After a while, Noelle completely calmed down and was playing with some of her toys that Nora had packed. Noah continued cooing at himself, playing in the bouncer.

"I'm so tired already," I hummed, sitting on the sofa with Joe.

"Me too," He nodded, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Why do you think Nora had to leave her here?" I asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea, it could be anything knowing her," Joe shrugged.

"Atleast this will show us what it's like to have two children, for any possible reference," I laughed lightly.

"Minx? Are you pregnant?!" Joe asked, shocked.

"No! I mean if we ever have another baby," I laughed.

"Oh my God, you scared me," Joe laughed.

"No, no, not now," I laughed.

Noelle crawled around and played with her toys and Noah soon fell asleep, sucking his thumb, which is a bad habit he's gotten into. After making sure he had completely fallen asleep, I gently took his thumb out of his mouth and put a dummie in instead.

"This afternoon, can we head to my flat? I need to catch up with Casp and we're planning on filming," Joe asked.

"Of course," I nodded.

"My car is here, so if we take the car seat out of your car and put it in mine, with the one I have in my car, we can all go in one car," Joe suggested.

"Okay, sounds good," I nodded.

Joe and I left the bedroom door open, so we could keep an eye on Noelle as she played, but we went to go get ready. Joe changed in the bathroom, and I followed afterwards, before I did my make-up and threw my hair up in a bun.

"Ready?" I asked, getting the baby bag together.

I threw in some of Noelle's nappies and clothes and toys, making sure that she had her blankie. Joe had whatever Noah would need at his flat too, so that was one less thing to worry about.

"Yeah," Joe nodded.

"Let's go," I smiled to Noelle, who was trying to get stand up by herself, but was a bit wobbly still.

"Up!" Noelle giggled, holding onto the sofa so she doesn't fall.

Joe picked her up and held her on his hip, giving her a small pinch of the cheek, making her laugh.

"Got her blankie?"

"Yeah," Joe nodded.

I carried Noah in his baby carrier down to the car and buckled him up. Joe buckled Noelle up in the seat next to Noah and then Joe drove us all over to his flat.

"Aw look who's awake now!" I cooed, holding Noah as he rubbed his eyes, just waking up.

He let out a small yawn as I carried him inside, hauling the baby bag over my other shoulder.

"Minxie! How are you and Noah?" Caspar smiled as we got inside.

"Good, how are you?" I smiled.

"Awesome!" Caspar laughed, taking Noah from me, and bouncing him.

"He just woke up," I nodded.

Joe came in, carrying Noelle.

"Wait, what?" Caspar questioned.

"We're babysitting for a few days for one of Minx's friends," Joe nodded, "Noelle, this is Caspar."

"Hi Noelle!" Caspar smiled, excitedly.

"She's quite shy," Joe nodded.

"This isn't Nora's daughter, is it?" Caspar asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Wow, you're so big!" Caspar smiled.

I took Noah from Caspar so Joe and him could go record a video.

"Noelle, stay over here darling," I said, guiding her away from the stairs.


"Noelle, come on. Let's play, yeah? I brought your toys," I said, still carrying Noah, but holding Noelle's hand.

"No!" Noelle shouted, pulling away.

"Come on, love. Let's be good, yeah?" I smiled, trying to keep calm and get her to stay away from the steps so she doesn't fall down them.

I gently pulled her away from the steps and over by the television and got out her toys after laying Noah in the baby carrier.

As soon as I turned around to put Noah in the baby carrier, Noelle quickly crawled back over to the steps.

"Noelle," I warned, "Come here and play with me."


I went over and held her hand, trying to get her to come back, away from the stairs again. Noah started crying and fussing as Noelle was shouting 'No!'

I picked Noelle up, and despite her fussy screams and kicks, I carried her to her toys and sat her down, turning my focus back to Noah.

"S.hit," I muttered as he had a dirty nappy.

I picked him up and knew that everything I need is downstairs, so I somehow managed to pick up Noelle as well, and quickly went downstairs and put Noelle down.

"Sorry, Noah has a soiled nappy," I apologised.

"It's okay, we're only just starting," Joe smiled.

Noelle crawled into Joe's room and stood up, leaning on his bed.

"Hi Noelle," Caspar smiled.

Noelle smiled and Caspar picked her up and held her on his lap.

"She's been a pain in the," I mumbled quietly.

"What's she done?"

"She wants to play on the stairs," I groaned.

"I'm sorry Minxie. We'll make this a quick video," Joe apologised.

"Don't worry. I'm trying to get her to play with her toys and calm down a bit. Maybe Noah will play with her," I shrugged.

"Okay, love you," Joe smiled.

"Love you too. Can one of you really quick carry her back upstairs for me? I have to carry Noah," I asked.

"No problem!" Caspar grinned.

He helped me by carrying Noelle upstairs and getting her to play with her toys while he snuck back downstairs to film.

Noah laid on his stomach and played with a toy. I rested on the sofa, watching them play. I cannot believe how much Noah is starting to look like Joe. Noelle is a perfect combination of Nora and Eric. She has Nora's feminine facial features, but Eric's big eyes.


a/n: hi! Chapter one is complete! Yes, it's a bit short, but it's mainly to re-introduce the main characters in a way. Lots of drama to come! I am so excited for what 2016 has in store! Thank you! X.

JOE 2 (Joe Sugg Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz