Review #131: Road Trip To Love

85 1 2

Author: Percabeth5599

Read it if: you want to catch wanderlust


She doesn't believe in cliches, but on a road trip through the beautiful Italian countryside with an extremely hot British guy, who wouldn't start believing in them?


*This book only has 4\13 chapters on Wattpad due to it being published. Check with the author for sale details

This story was a pretty cool thing to read, since I let myself go with the imagery and the adventure yet I learned many things

I think the characters suddenly loving each other in such a little time was rushed (I know it was for the sake of keeping this a short story but that won't stop me from being a little cynical with the issue), but at least they had great chemistry and I did crack a couple of smiles

Thanks to this my wanderlust side woke up instantly. There's a lot of description of the places the characters go, it's explained briefly yet complete, and I don't know what the author did but you can actually imagine the places and yearn to travel if you don't live there

I also learned about being bold and that sometimes it's alright to go with your feelings. It's still something I have to work on but thumbs up for the clear message

In conclusion check the excerpt, it's really worth it. And if you haven't read this story before or you want to reread and you possess money go buy it on Amazon

Note to author: if you're reading this, thanks for making this. I seriously thank you for trusting me with opinions about the book even if the first one I did was kind of harsh and people complained about it. The only thing I would've want about this book is a longer story, with more adventures, scenery and definitely feels hehe. And again, congrats on the publishing, hope everything goes awesome. Keep writing and take care ;)

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