The one eye of the sea

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Dipper p.o.v

The fresh sea breeze is one of the thing I like about the ocean. I have a journal that tells me about the sea and the creatures that live in it. Stan gave it to me. He's my uncle and my caption. It wasn't Stan journal, it was his brother's. But sadly he died. Stan told me it was all his fault. Their ship was attack by a sea monster called abaia monster. He said that Ford want to get close so he could draw it in his journal, but fell over and it eat him. Stan never talk about his brother and no one on his ship dose either, it's a rule.

There's rules for the sea that ever pirate has to follow. Well it's just one rule, pirate kills a caption of a ship he can do whatever he wishes with the crew because that's his crew. If you haven't guessed it I'm a pirate. I wasn't all ways one. In fact neither is my crazy sister. We lived on land with our mother and farther. We were a loving family till one night some one broke in and murder my parents. Me and mable woke to our mother screaming. That's when our uncle took us in and ever since we've been on the sea.

"Dipper! Dipper!" My sister yells snapping me out if my thoughts. She runs up to me pulling on my arm. "Hurry Dipper! Stan said he saw the one eye of the sea!" My eyes widen and my mouth dropped. Mable kept pulling my arm but I couldn't move. I've never seen the one eye of the sea, but Stan told me a bunch of story's. He said that their the most feared, people don't even think their humans. "Dipper get your ass moving!" Stan yells, as he pulls out his sword.

I follow my sister to our rooms.I want to look out the window but Mabel smacked me on the head telling me I'm going to get us all killed. The ship stoped, me and mable exchange uneasy looks. I could tell she was nervous so was I. We heard Stan speake. "May I help you?" Then we heard unfamiliar laughing, it was dark. It scared me. "My names Bill, bill cipher." It was silence for a while till we heard the unfamiliar voice spoke once more. "And well I'm taking you ship and crew." He said simply. "Like hell yo-" Stan's yelling was cut off. It went silence once more, follow by a body dropping. I looked over to mable and she was crying. Why? What happened. Then it hit me,was Stan dead? Is that why she's crying?

O, God! I threw a hand over my mouth,but it didn't matter. It didn't matter if I started cry. Stan was dead and we were all screwed.

Our room door was broken down as two buff guys take in. They had scars ever where. Their boots hit the ground making a loud thump ever time. One of the grabbed my sister and the other grabbed me. We both fought to get out of their grip, but failed.

They dragged us out to the bow. There's where we meet Stan's bloody dead body and the monster that killed him. He was tall, had blonde hair,and a golden yellow eye. The other one had a eye patch.

"Well Well Well, what do we have here?"

"We found them hiding in the back." The one holding mable said. "Is that so?" Bill left my chin up with one of his fingers so that I was looking at him. His grin grew. "Well, hot damn. You are just to cute." I blushed. "Good thing your mine now." He laughed, removing his finger from my chin. I looked over to see mable not moving a bit. She just stared at the wood floor of the boat." Lets go! Grab any thing we can use!" Bill shouted to his crew. "And put the prisoners in the celler down under deck. Except him." He pointing to me. "Put him in my room." He said with a smirk.

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