"They told us that we'd be meeting a birthday girl, so I baked you a cake!" I said with a smile.

I put the cake down on the make-shift coffee table, and she pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but smile. There was something about her that made it impossible not to.

Annie was talking to her parents about what all goes into making a tour and such, and I saw Bella playing with her hair, obviously bored. So Reid, Neil and I decided to take her on a tour of the bus.

We showed her kitchen, our bunks, and all of the other cool details, and once we got to the back lounge she stopped.

"Ummm guys..." She said fidgeting, obviously nervous about something.

I turned around, and immediately responded "Yeah baby girl?"

She smiled, and that made me a little less concerned, but the look in her eyes, was... nervous, and kind of sad.

She played with her hair nervously and stuttered "I ugh just wanted to thank you guys, The last two years I've been bullied a lot, and your music is what got me through it. I love you guys a lot, and thanks for being my only friends."

I felt my eyes tear up when she talked, but as soon as she started crying, that's when I lost it.

She didn't deserve that!

I knelt down, and hugged her for dear life. I waited until I was sure she was looking me in the eyes before I started to talk.

"You're beautiful Bel, and no matter what they say, you always have us okay. We love you!"

Bella smiled, and then Reid and Neil knelt down, and we smushed her in a group hug.

She said, almost to herself, "I have the best heroes in the world!"

And I couldn't help but laugh at that and smile. She was too adorable!

Neil smiled, and said "We have the best friend in the world!"

And then we headed back to the front lounge and shared the cake, and then it was time for us to play!

We were just starting to play, when her Mom said "Hey you know it's Bel's dream to sing that song with you!"

I couldn't help but smile at that, and Reid said excitedly "Why don't you come up here?!"

Bella excitedly walked over, and I felt so happy when I saw the joy in her eyes. It still amazes me that we can make someone so happy so easily.

"Are you ready?!" I asked, and Bella grinned and nodded at me.

I smiled, and knelt down, so we could share the microphone.

I started out, and then Bella joined in. She was actually really talented! I was blown away by how good she did!

We decided to let Bella pick the rest of the songs, and she sang and danced excitedly when we played them, and I couldn't help but smile.

We took a picture with everyone, and then Charli said "It's almost time to go!"

Aww I honestly didn't want her to go! Having her around was actually a lot of fun! She was so silly, and just seemed to make everyone happier.

"Can we take a few pictures with just Bel?" Neil asked.

Ahh my baby brother the genius!

We then proceeded to take loads of pictures with Bel. Then Charli said exasperatedly "Okay time to go!"

I frowned and asked "One more please?"

And Bella's eyes lit up.

We took one last funny picture, and then it was time to say goodbye.

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