Not again

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Niall POV

So today is Friday which means Maryse and I have our movie night which we take Rebecca to her grandparents house( Maryse parents) they love to spend time with her. So it was my turn to pick the movie so I picked a scary movie Maryse hates them but I get to cuddle with her more at night and I get more kisses. Oh life is good.

Maryse POV

So niall picked "devil" which I hate scary movies. But 1 hour in the movie I was already sleeping.

~next morning~

I was starting to wake up when someone was giving me kisses on my shoulder to my neck. When I turned around niall was with the biggest smile, oh god, just then was on top of me kissing and then we were all naked having a nice passion morning sex.

But when we were done having our sex I saw her?

TBC- Hey guys I won't be able to update maybe until this. Thursday when I get back from my vacation sorry bye love u guys thanks for reading.

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