Latin Phrases G

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Gaudia certaminis
The joys of battle

Gaudeamus hodie
let us rejoice today

Gaudeamus igitur
Therefore let us rejoice

Gaudete in domino

Rejoice in the Lord

Gaudium in veritate

Joy in truth

Genius loci

Spirit of place

Generatim discite cultus

Learn each field of study, according to its kind.

Gens una sumus

We are one people

Gesta non verba
Deeds, not words

Gloria in excelsis Deo
Glory to God in the Highest

Gloria invidiam vicisti
By your fame you have conquered envy

Gloria patri
Glory to the father

Gloriosus et liber

Glorious and free

Gradatim ferociter
By degrees, ferociously

Gradibus ascendiums
Ascending by degrees

Graecum est; non legitur
It is Greek (and therefore) it cannot be read.

Grandescunt aucta labore
By hard work, all things increase and grow

Gratia et scientia
Grace and learning

Gratiae veritas naturae
Truth through mercy and nature

Graviora manent
Heavier things remain

Gravis dulcis Immutabilis
Serious sweet immutable

Gutta cavat lapidem [non vi sed saepe cadendo]
A water drop hollows a stone [not by force, but by falling often]

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