Chapter 26: Its Pan

Start from the beginning

Her smile never wavered ,and her eyes filled with a sense of adventure and curiosity ,like the first day she was here.


Anger shoot through me and I wanted to yell! I stood up from my bed and smashed my fist into the mirror ,shattering my reflection. It had only been four years ,so why does it feel like forever? Was it impossible to get the memory of her heart wrenching blue eyes ,or her waterfall blonde hair that moved with the wind and splashed over her shoulders ,the way she could make you feel huge and small in the way she spoke. The fire in her never shrank.

I need to do something ,anything other than mourning over the loss of Wendy.

It should feel as if a tiny scare ,but it still feels fresh and cut open ,bleeding out from me everyday. It hasn't stopped raining since she left. I still remember how hard I kept the rain from splashing the dirt ,but now it wouldn't stop. Neither would the blood that I've spilt since her departure.

But I was going to end all of this ,just in a few moments.

Just a daily dose ,this is what I need ,this would stop the rain. Outside and inside of me.

I took a deep breath. It didn't even hurt ,it just made me angry that I couldn't stop thinking of her.

"Pan!" Felix's voice broke through the harsh rain outside.

I opened the flab of my tent opening ,and stepped out of his way. His dark hood covered his face ,and water drops slid down his coat and onto my boots.

"Do you have it?" I asked ,a little inpatient and rude. He took his hood off and wiped his hands on his coat.

"Yes." He pulled out a huge glass jug out from his coat. The glass contained a thick ruby red liquid ,like blood.

It could cure you of a heart break ,and rid you of flooding memories of them. It was from the Queen of Hearts. I was desperate ,and she had what I needed.

I smirked in accomplishment. Now there was only one more thing left.

I quickly went to pull the jug out of his hands ,but his grip only tightened. I clenched my teeth in anger.

I looked up at his unfazed face ,and scowled.

"Are you sure this is a good idea ,you haven't been the same lately." He looked hard into my eyes.

I pulled harder on the bottle ,and smirked. "Positive." I chuckled. And without another thought.

I pulled the cork out ,and took a swing of it. I didn't stop until I was sure ,every drop was gone.

I pulled the bottle from my mouth as a drop trailed down my neck. I took my last swallow ,and as my adam's apple bobbed ,the drop curved around it ,as if making its way to the ground.

A tingle flowed through my body ,as the magic took its effect.

Felix looked at me. "Did it work?" He asked arching an eyebrow.

I smirked ,"Gather the lost boys. And get the girl." He smirked ,and walked outside. The rain had stopped.

I looked down at a shard of mirror glass ,Wendy's smile lit up the room.

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