twenty three

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I woke up in the dark. As I sat up, I tried to remember all that had happened last night.

Movies. Snacks. Blunts. Chill

The last thing I remember was falling asleep in the security of Chano's arms. I searched the bed for that security, the warmth I felt keeping me safe last night. It was no where to be found.

I sighed.

I continued to pull the covers from around my body, and felt for the pair of socks I had on last night. It was routine for them to slip themselves off my feet during the middle of the night.

As always, it takes me a while to comprehend the moment.

"Yo what day is it?" I whispered to myself. On my life , I never know.

I flicked on Chano's light next to his bed and grabbed my phone. As usual, my lockscreen was filled with Instagram and twitter notifications. But I noticed there were a lot more tags, comments and "pictures of me" than usual.

A couple of the comments read "Happy Birthday India!" "Omg , enjoy your day!"

I pulled the notification center down, it read February 3rd .

"Oh shit." I said to myself . "Oh shit, I'm 22 today." I laughed as I realized that today was my day. It's not that big of a deal anymore though, after a couple years ago , I stopped going out for my birthday.

Replying to Happy Birthday texts, dms, tags, and tweets was entirely too tedious. I did a few for each and decided that I'd continue later. But for now, I'm going to get the fuck up and find a wave.


I trotted down the stairs, my body still full of sleep. My steps were heavy and my body even heavier. The smell of bacon, eggs, and sautéed apples persuaded my senses to take me to the kitchen first.

I chuckled at the sight. I pulled out my phone and took a few flicks without Chano noticing. The flash ruined it after a while. On the stove was a pan full of turkey bacon and a hot skillet that just scrambled some eggs. On the kitchen table stood a two feet edible arrangement fruit basket. It was absolutely beautiful.

I turned to him and admired his masculine beauty. Honestly, I could look at him all day.

"Happy Birthday Beautiful." He opened his arms and signaled for a hug . I granted him an intimate lengthy one.

"Thank you baby." I whispered in his chest. We detached ourselves grime ch other moments later.

"Eat up big head, we got things to do. There's turkey and pork bacon, cooked apples and eggs over there, and fresh fruit right here especially for you." He told me. I smiled and laughed.

"How will I tell the difference between the turkey and the pork?" I joked. He eyed me for a second. Then he shook his head and smirked.

"You're a smart girl." He said. As he passed me on his journey out of the kitchen, he smacked my butt entirely too hard. I had to act like I didn't enjoy it though.

"Why didn't I say yes to him sooner?" I stressed under my breath. I could already tell he was going to be good to me. As a best friend , he was kind, loving, he was patient, all qualities of a man that keeps a relationship alive.

I found the turkey bacon and got three pieces, then a spoonful and a half of eggs, and a couple pieces of fruit. I readjusted the plate in my hand so it would be more comfortable to walk up the stairs.

After doing so, I opened the door to Chano's. I gasped. He was in the midst of pulling up his Tommy boxers. I didn't even try not to stare and his bare manhood. And he didn't seem ashamed.

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