The beginning

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I don't know whether at the beginning when I was born or what so I'm just gonna write.

I was born living with my mama and daddy. We lived in a house in poe mill. I was also living with my brother and sister. My mama and daddy always fought. They was always yelling. No matter what they found a reason to argue. One day something happened. I don't remember it cause I was like one years old but here's how it has been told to me

My daddy and my mom got to arguing. My mama told my daddy to get out and never to come back. My daddy called my grandma and told her to come get him. While he did that my mother called the cops and told him to come get us that she didn't want us. The cops came exactly when my grandma pulled up. My grandma grabbed me my brother and sister up and put us in the car. Then she asked our mom for our clothes. Our mom refused and then told the cops to get us and put us up for adoption. The cops told her that her best bet was to give us to grandma cause if she don't she'll go to jail for neglect. She did as she was told but not before getting in my grandma face and trying to hit her. Of course my dad was there and he got in the middle and hit my mama before she hit my grandma. The cops was watching and hauled my daddy off to jail as well as my mother.

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