Review #133: Starlight Tales

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Author: Percabeth5599

Read it if: you want teen fiction\ light fantasy


The unlikely tale of a shooting star, who wished upon herself to fall in love and a seemingly ordinary boy with an extraordinary imagination


There's only a few chapters of this story, but I can't wait for more

The only words that can describe the atmosphere of this story is charming and quirky. The characters are easy to love, and they come from two different places that many situations and obstacles may come in order to understand each otherand achieve what they want (and it feels most of the situations may be crazy in a fun way)

The whole writing is lighthearted, but I sense that I won't see a lot of fillers(I hope so), and that both the characters and us readers are going to learn some stuff about life(which usually happens in this author's stories). So give this a chance, you'll end giddy and begging for more

Note to author: if you're reading this, thanks for making this. I know you're in the process of publishing a book (I'm making a review of it later, congrats btw) and writing a series of stories, but PLEASE don't neglect this story anymore because I see a lot of potential in this (I'm already anticipating the feels, the quick adding to the library when an update comes out, etc) and that's saying a lot considering that when I see a wee bit of fantasy I ignore the story completely. I'll just make a little pleading that you can try to find more inspiration for this inbetween TGND and Just Ask Juliet even if it just becomes a cute short story at the end like Road Trip To Love(I think I mentioned all of your stories here hahaha). Keep writing and take care ;)

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