Not So Bad (Chapter 20)

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry Seth, but after all of that stuff that happened with Ryan, and now more recently with Bray, it's hard for me to completely trust anyone."

Seth showed her the faded mark from where Ryan stabbed him.

"You see this? Don't you know by now that I would do anything for you? It's human nature... sometimes you lose your temper and you do things that you shouldn't do... Are you really that afraid of me that you would think that I would do something to physically harm you? Tell me what it is that you want?... Would you be happier without me?"

This was killing Seth, he wanted to be with Olivia. He loved her more than anything, but he had the idea that maybe she didn't love him as much as he loved her. It seemed like she didn't even trust him. Olivia couldn't believe what she was hearing. It sounded almost like he was trying to get rid of her. He wasn't yelling at her, but the last thing he said really got to her. She put a hand up to her face as a few tears ran down her face. Seth gently took her into his arms into a gentle hug, but he still wanted an answer.

"I'm giving you a choice Olivia... Would you be happier without me? Would you rather be on your own?"

Olivia cried into his chest and hugged him tight.

"No... please don't leave me. I'm... so sorry for not trusting you. I don't want to be alone... I love you Seth."

"I love you too Olivia, but it amazes me that after all we've been through that you would still think that I would hurt you."

"Well... this isn't just an issue for me, this is an issue for many women. Also men, but it's more common among women. Being physically or emotionally abused... you love and trust someone with all of your heart, and then out of the blue it seems like the person you love has changed and they take out all of their anger on the person that they "love". I get that not everyone is like that, but once you've been hurt it's hard to completely love or trust someone again. The physical wounds heal for the most part, but the emotional wounds take longer to heal, some never do. I do love you Seth, but I'm starting to believe that maybe you're getting tired of putting up with me. I don't know why you put up with me."

"Because... there is something about you that draws me to you, even from the first moment I met you. I already showed you that spot from my side... if I would risk my life just to save you after only knowing you for two weeks then you should already know that you mean everything to me. I just want you to know... that I would never ever do anything to hurt you. I guess I do have a bit of an anger problem and I'm trying more and more everyday to control that. I think you helped me with that today. When I was about to attack Bray again... your touch and your voice helped calm me down. When I'm at my worst... you show up and help bring out the best in me."

Olivia wasn't crying anymore, she was taking in everything that he was saying. Seth held her close for a while as they still waited for the doctor to return. the doctor could see a difference in Seth once he came back. Seth was told that he should go home and get some rest, this was something that he knew he would hear. Once Seth and Olivia left the trainer's office and were walking to the parking lot to meet up with Dean and Roman Olivia had something to say.

"It took that doctor long enough."

Seth laughed at this.

"Yeah... he did take a while, but there were other people that needed help too."

"So... how bad hurt is your knee?"

"It should be fine in a few days, I just over did it on the Curb Stomp. I pulled a muscle."

"How about your head? How bad is the concussion?"

"I hit my head pretty hard on the side of the ring, but the doctor told me that I only needed to be out of action for a week. I wasn't just the pain medicine... my head started feeling better with you here with me. I guess I really should get some more sleep because I think that had something to do with my performance. Now... I kind of have a random question for you."

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