Chapter 4

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It's been exactly 4 days. Ryan still hasn't shown up and I was starting to get worried. I was actually starting to miss him.

"Em? You alright?" Rachel asked while we were slowly making our way to lunch. "You've been so strange these past few days." Her eyes suddenly widened then stopped right in front of me, blocking my way. "It's because of Ryan isn't it!" She almost screamed out for the whole world to hear.

I looked to the ground almost immediately kind of embarassed. She was still looking at me until she shook my shoulders hard. "Oh my god Emma.. You like Ryan that way?" She realized while I was still looking down.

Why was I acting like this? I always tell everything to Rachel and Lucy especially about boys but this one was different. I've never had a REAL crush on someone from this school so it was hard telling my friends.

"Yeah anyway let's go to our table and meet Lucy. Then I'll tell you everything okay?" I told Rachel as I was pushing her to the cafeteria.

We finally reached our table where Lucy was patiently waiting for us playing on her phone again. Probably texting her other friends or playing some kid game. 'Lucy! OMG guess what?!" Rachel quickly ran to her pushing me aside. "Emma likes someone! Like an actual crush!" She kept yelling while looking at me.

I could feel my stomach get butteflies again while they were talking about him. Hearing his name gave me instant butterflies and talking to him gave me bats in my stomach. I could see his face again and his tall body wearing his stylsh polo shirt that only he could pull off. I kept thinking about him until I was brought back by Lucy hitting my arm saying, "Ew really Em? A bad boy?"

I just laughed because I realized that I do like Ryan parker. I didn't know him well but the way he apologized to me and the way he wanted to make up for it so quickly made me feel warm inside.


School passed by really slowly especially because he wasn't sitting by me in Chemistry again. I couldn't help but to look at his empty seat a few times just hoping that he'll magically appear. I personally hated Chem but now I just want to get to that class everyday. I know cheesy but I just wanted to see him so bad.

I finally got home and was alreay sweating like a pig. How could it be 90 degrees? Oh yeah, I live in SD. Home of the beaches and hot freaking weather. My parents were still at work and I knew that they couldn't give me a ride home ever. Rachel and Lucy offered me rides but I didn't want to hitch a ride everyday.

First place I went to in my house was the kitchen. Walking 10 minutes is no big deal really, but I didn't eat anything for lunch today because I just couldn't. All I could do was think about Ryan. I grabbed a cup and poured some ice cold water in it to quench my thirst then grabbed a bag of chips just to keep me satisfied. I ran up the stairs to my room and with gut instinct, I checked my facebook. it's been kind of a daily routine for me. 

No new messages

I groaned as I turned away from my laptop. What if he moved back to Russia? Or what if he got expelled and had to move schools? Those stupid what if questions were all I could think of.

I got off my chair and walked over to my bed before plopping down. I turned on the tiny TV that was in my room and started eating my bag of chips whie watching my favorite tv show, Glee. 

I was half asleep when my phone popped out a notification.

Facebook messenger: Ryan Parker: Hey i...

Was all the preview said. I jumped off my bed and moved to my laptop, opening facebook again and surely enough, one new message from Ryan. I clicked it so quickly and my hand was starting to shake a little bit before I read,

Ryan parker: Hey i'm sorry i couldnt take you to get the coffee or whatever we planned. i didnt ditch you if you wanted to know. i just kind of got into a problem and was suspended for a week. i tried contacting you but my parents took away my phone and laptop. i just managed to sneak my phone back... so dont call Karma...

I couldn't help but to smile and let out an embarassing little laugh to myself. My hands were still shaking nervously as I set them on my keyboard ready to type.

Me: Yeah I found out about that... dont worry about it but you owe me! so as soon as you get back, i expect double!

He replied amost instantly making me smile even bigger.

Ryan Parker: Deal (;

My heart droppped again for the millionth time and the bats in my stomach were beating me up. The butterflies had turn into bats and I could feel my smile creep up to my eyes.

Me: When are you coming back exactly?

Ryan Parker: next monday but Emma...

Me; Yeah?

I started to worry now.

Ryan: I dont think i can contact you over facebook after school on monday so you should give me your number. i mean just so i can contact you easier!

What. The bats had turned into 1000000 bats all beating against my stomach. My hands were even more nervous and were shaking even more. It took me a minute to reply, my cheeks still hot and I knew I looked like a fire truck.

Me: yeah totally, its 394-4930 (random number guys)

Ryan: okay cool! ill text you now so you have my number saved. yeah?

Me: okay(:

About a minute later my phone beeped and I knew exactly who it was.

A/N- I know really sucky chapter and its short. I wrote it in like 10 minutes but I promise the next chapter will be longer and a lot more interesting!! <3

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