Karkat- Curses and Soap

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Authors note- Prepare for more fluff than that upon a Sheeps butt. It's Karkat, so there will be cursing. It's a bit short, but it's sort of an opener.
F/s means favorite scent
>point of no return<

"WHY IS IT SO FUCKING COLD IN HERE JEGUS FUCKING HELL! TURN ON THE GOD FUCKING DAMN HEATER WILL YOU?" Karkat yelled, causing an unprepared you to jump. You glared at him, and scolded the troll. " What have I told you about swearing? Do I need to shove a bar of soap into your filthy mouth?" Karkat stood, unaffected, as this wasn't the first time you had ranted about his language. Once you finished your rant, he stared for a moment, before saying "OKAY FUCKING NOOK-SUCKER, WHAT KIND OF FUCKING IDIOT WOULD PUT SOAP IN THEIR MOUTH? IS YOUR FUCKING EFFERVESCENT THINK-PAN FRIED OR SOME SHIT?" You froze, and narrowed your e/c eyes before leaving the room.

You return with a bar of f/s soap in your hand. The soap was made from real items, so it wasn't toxic. Karkat's eyes widened in fear, having thought you were bluffing about the soap. His voice had gotten unusually quite. Well, quite for Karkat. "Uh, your not actually gonna use that, right?" You paused, and than charged at him. Karkat turned and ran the opposite direction, avoiding furniture and other obstacles. So begins the chase.

You had both sprinted about the hive for almost ten minutes, and you couldn't count the times you had stubbed your toe. All that running was worth it now though, because you have your victim cornered, soap in hand. You tackled him, ending up straddling him on the floor. "Anything else you'd like to say, Karkat?" You asked rhetorically, with a victorious smirk adorning your face. His face grew a smirk of its own as an idea formed in his head. From his position below you, he leaned up and cupped your face in his hands, bringing his lips to yours lovingly, the smile never leaving his face. The soap lay forgotten on the floor, as you were now, well, 'Occupied'

Gog did you love your crabby matesprite.

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