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Beau's POV

I could sit and listen to Phoenix's voice all day. Sometimes, we would just listen to each other's breathing until we fell asleep.

We've been on the phone for a while, just saying what pops into our heads, or nothing at all. It was never awkward, just us.



"You need to start taking your meds again, okay?"


"Promise, baby?"

I froze. Not because of the promise, it was because of the baby. The way he said it, the way it made me feel.

I want to be his baby. I want him to take care of me, but more than that. I want to be a baby around him, cuddle him and suck my thumb. And be his good boy, his good baby boy. But I can't tell him that, it's too weird, he'll never want to do it.


"S-sorry. Yeah, I promise."

"Good boy."

There he goes again.

"Hey Phee, I wanna be a science teacher when I grow up."

"I know, you've told me before." He laughs through the phone. "I still don't know what I want to be. Sports is just a hobby, not a career I want."

"Well Phee, your genes are blessed with the arts from both of your parents. Like I'm jealous of the talent in your blood stream."

"Ha, yeah. I like music and art. Like putting the two together."

"Really? Never thought I would hear that come out of your mouth. But, are you saying something like a music video?" I asked.

"Kind of, but more than that. Like taking other people's music and putting it to some trippy ass slow most ion shots of people, animals, or even rain. What ever I want."

"I love you Phoenix William Malik."

"I love you too Beau Alex Styles."

"I'm still hot and bothered from earlier," I whined.

"Well too bad cuz I already took care of myself."

"What? Nooooooo! When?" I asked.

"Like five minutes before you called me." He said laughing.

"Fine, I'm tired anyways. Can I sleep?"

"What ever you want, baby."


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