Chapter Twenty~Three

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I eased myself back against the headboard when I felt my arm begin to ache with oncoming pain. My life was seriously f*cked up. I needed to get out of here but that would be next to impossible with my dad's gorillas at every corner, especially Dredd. He didn't seem that bad for a beast/gorilla of a man. What was I saying?! They were all bad. Anyone who was stopping me from getting away so that I could get my revenge on the gringo was an enemy to me. Even my own father was my enemy. I was all alone and had no one to count on but myself. I had nothing fueling me to continue on with life except for the need to achieve revenge on the gringo. Before that it was just trying to keep my mind off of my past and living day by day. Now, I wanted blood. One last last hunt....kill the gringo. At any expense.

! Unedited¡


"Who are you?" I asked when a man with red hair and pale skin complemented by freckles walked into the room. A red scruffy beard was neatly groomed on his face and when he flashed me a friendly smile I could make out the distinct dimples on his cheeks.
"Pickles," he replied in a deep voice and walked to the end of the bed placing down a small bundle of clothes. Pickles? His name was Pickles?
"No, my name is Marvin, but everyone calls me Pickles. It's a long story," Pickles spoke up and I realized that I had spoken my thoughts aloud. "Phantom told me to drop this here for you because he didn't want any of the boys or comfort women to do it. He thought that you'd probably throw a kitten fit if Jenna brought them." I inwardly flinched at that woman's name.
"Why didn't he send Dredd then?" I heard myself asking. A sly smile spread across Pickles' face.
"Gettin' cozy with Dredd now are we?" He asked and wiggled his catapilar eyebrows suggestively. His smile faded when he saw the dark look I was sending him. Me and Dredd? No. Never. Once I was well enough and could get out of here I would hunt down the gringo even if it killed me. I didnt have time to be f*cking around. He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"He said to change into these. Doc will be comin' in after awhile along with your daddy to check on your wounds," he slunk out of the room without another word leaving me once again alone.
A grunt came from me when I dragged myself out of the bed and moved my aching limbs towards the clothes on the bed. The clothes, a pair of light washed skinny jeans and a simple red t-shirt, still had the tag on them indicating that they had just been bought. I tugged off my old, dingy clothes as gingerly as I could so I didn't awaken the pain of my wounds then slipped on the clothes finding the pants to be a size too small.
They felt like they had been painted onto my legs and thighs making it feel as if I was exposing myself in some way. The shirt was a size too big and hung loosely around me, which I found appealing. It was far more comfortable than the jeans that were strangling my thighs and ass at the moment.
The door opened soon after I finished changing and my head rose to face the door finding Doc and my da-- James standing behind him.
"It's good that you're up and walking around, but try not to over due it," Doc said with a smile that reminded me of a pedophile for some reason. The poor bastard was born with a face that didn't allow people to warm up to him so easily. James didn't say anything and stood by the end of the bed while Doc sat down his bag and opened it to retrieve some antiseptic and gauze wrapping.
"Sit please," Doc instructed and I did so feeling James' eyes on me the entire time Doc removed the bandage on my arm and cleaned the bullet wound. He wrapped a clean, sterile gauze bandage around my arm tightening it enough for my arm to begin to ache with pain. I felt myself break into a cold sweat when the pain began to build and my head started to grow light.
"You don't look so good. Are you in pain?" Doc asked making me want to slap the ugly off of his creepy ass face.
"I'm not feeling like dancing around and picking flowers if that's what you mean," I bit out from his dumb question.
"See, you can't be up for too long. You lost a lot of blood and your body isn't fully healed yet. Lie down and I'll go get something for the pain," Doc instructed and I crawled to the headboard to lean against it while he left the room. My head lolled to the side from the sudden feeling of weightlessness sweeping across my body while I continued to sweat and my arm throbbed. F*ck. My eyes closed to ward off the black dots that swam into my vision suddenly, but I jolted upright when I felt a warm hand cup my cheek to lift my head.
My eyes snapped open to find James staring down at me with a worried look on his unshaven face. The dots had left my vision, but the pain was still there.
"What the hell?" I asked and stared into his worried eyes.
"I thought you had passed out," he explained and I tugged my face from his gentle hold when I didn't feel him drop his hand. He pulled away when he understood that I didn't want him touching me. Hurt flashed in his eyes then quickly dwindled away to the two cold stones I wanted to see. I wanted him to hate me. I wanted him to forget about me and leave like he had before, but of course he wanted to do the exact opposite. He wanted to make things right, but right was too out of reach for both of us.
The Doc came in just in time to break the awkward tension and James moved away from the edge of the bed to stand a few feet away while Doc handed me two pills and a glass of water. I downed the pills and water and settled back against the headboard.
"I advise you to stay in bed for the remainder of the day and tomorrow you can walk around a bit, with some assistance of course," Doc explained.
He left the room and I sat in awkward silence wishing James would leave as well. He just seemed to be standing there, staring.
"Do you need anything?" He asked breaking the smoldering silence.
"No," I replied.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
"No," I replied in a flat tone.
"You should eat," he urged.
"I'm not hungry," I brushed off.
"I'll have some food dished up for you," he said and walked to the door ignoring me. I let out a heavy sigh when he walked out of the room and let my body slump down so that my head rest on a plush pillow. Minutes later when the door reopened, my eyes had drifted closed allowing me to fall into the sweet darkness of sleep. I heard the faint murmer of words being spoken and rough, dry lips grazing my temple just as I drifted further into sleep.


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