I cleaned for a few more hours, straightening up the apartment. Making sure things looked good for when Emily came home, I may have cleaned everything twice. Once I got back from the grocery store, I put all the food away. Turning on the tv, I put on the France Germany game. It was suppose to be a good game, since the men's Germany team were recent World Cup champions. I quickly texted Emily, waiting for the game to get started.

K- Hey Em, what are you up too?

She responded a few minutes later.

E- Heading to the square. Wanted to pick up a few things before I came back to the states. I was thinking about going to my favorite café here, Don Revouj. What are you up too?

K- Watching the France Germany game.

E- Ugh, I almost got tickets for that game! I'm really sad I'm not watching it :(

I smiled.

K- I'll keep you posted.

E- Alright, I'll text you later chica. Love you.

K- Love you too.

Setting my phone down, I tuned into the game. A few minutes passed, and I got another text from Emily. A audio was attached to it.

E- I know it's one of your favorite songs. Play it when you have the time. Maybe at half?

Smiling, I knew what song she had sang.

K- You're amazing. I'll definitely listen to it soon.

Turning back to the game, I watched it for awhile. It was a close game, but currently not much was happening. It was getting towards half, so I turned the tv on mute. Putting on the subtitles, I unlocked my phone. Opening Emily's attachment, I turned my volume up all the way. Looking back at the game, I watched as I heard Emily's voice.

"Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing."

As the game continued, I saw everyone on the field flinch and look at the sky. The continued play, but then they did it again. Turning the volume back on, I let Emily's audio continue to play.

"Something is going on here in Paris. Loud explosion like noises have happened twice, and we're not quite sure what is happening." And then it happened again.

"We can now confirm that the noises were indeed bombs."

My heart sank.

"Three explosions have happened, as the stadium is now being cleared."

"Hello, can you hear me
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet

There's such a difference between us
And a million miles."

The station changed to the news, as a voice only came through the tv.

"It has been confirmed, the town square has been hit. Terrorists have been spotted with bombs and guns all over Paris." I felt like I was going to throw up.

"The square has been hit. The small café Don Revouj was the first sight of the attack, and then through out the square."

Now I think I actually was going to throw up.

"The square as been hit."

"Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home."

Standing up from the couch, I grabbed the bottom of the coffee table. Flipping it over, I screamed. Throwing things across the apartment, I ran to the kitchen. Throwing pots and pans, I slammed one against the counter top. I flipped things over and broke glasses. Still hearing Emily's voice, I just grew more frustrated. I picked up a glass, and threw it at the tv. It shattered against the screen, and cracked the tv. Turning around, I punched the wall. My hand went straight through the dry wall, as I hit it again. Grabbing a pan that was laying on the ground, I slammed it into the wall. Yanking it out, I continued to hit the wall.

"Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore."

I screamed again, as I felt the hot tears fall down my cheeks. Kicking the walls, I screamed more. Feeling my throat go raw, I picked up the flipped coffee table. Throwing it across the room, it broke against the wall. The tv was still blaring the news about the bombings. How the square was hit, how it started in a small café.

Emily's favorite café.

She was going there. She wanted to visit it. What happened to her? I knew where she was, but I didn't know if she was okay. I didn't know if she was hurt, or if she never even made it to the square. I didn't know if she was alive or-or dead. I didn't know.

"Hello, how are you
It's so typical of me to talk about myself I'm sorry
I hope that you're well
Did you ever make it out of that town where nothing ever happened

It's no secret that the both of us
Are running out of time."

Screaming again, I started to pant. Taking deep breaths, I felt the air rush from my lungs. I couldn't breath, I couldn't think. I couldn't do it, I just couldn't. I didn't want to do it anymore.

"What's happening to her!" I screamed out, as my voice cracked.

"So hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried
To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart
But it don't matter it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore."

Then I just screamed. I screamed until I needed air, and even when I did I still didn't stop. I screamed until my throat bled and I had to spit it up onto the floor. I screamed until it wasn't even a scream, it was just noise. I cried until I couldn't see. I cried until it burned, and even when it did burn I didn't stop. I didn't think I would ever stop crying until I saw her. She needed to be okay, she needed to. If she wasn't okay, I couldn't do it anymore. I loved her, and I couldn't lose her.

"Hello from the other side
I must have called a thousand times
To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home."

Grabbing my phone, I looked at my screen. I saw my lock screen that was of me and Emily. She was wearing a sports bra and spandex's, aviators pushed up to her nose. She was kissing my cheek, as I smiled like crazy. Screaming again, I hit my phone against the wall.

"Hello from the outside."

I banged my phone against the wall, hearing a crack. Screaming louder, I hit my phone again.

"At least I can say that I've tried."

I screamed and screamed.

"To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your-" Throwing my phone across the room, it broke against the wall.

Emily's voice cut out, as the tv still blared random voices. Standing up, I picked up the top of the broken coffee table. Screaming again, I threw the coffee top table at the tv. Hearing the screen shatter, the tv fell off of its stand. Silence filled my apartment, until I screamed.

I screamed. I just screamed because I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't breath, I couldn't think. I couldn't do it. I didn't know what to do. So I screamed.

I just screamed.

What A RushOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora