Chapter IV

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~Alex's POV~

I got up, got some clothes on, sorted my hair out, and headed downstairs to see 5 people staring at me, motionless, speechless. I stared back. I was the first one to speak. "WE WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW..."
"WE'LL CARRY ON!" They chorused. This was the life I dreamed of. I poured a glass of milk and sat on my mother.
"Hey kitten."
"Morning Momma Frank."
"That sounds weird."
"So does Momma Ray" Nikita piped in. Frank shrugged and got comfortable whilst I drank my milk, then Dad came in...

In a cowboy outfit. "MY NAME'S GEE WAY AND I'M THE NEW SHERRIF IN TOWN. AND I'M HERE TO MAKE SURE YA'LL STAY TOTALLY AWESOME!!" Nikita and I joined in towards the end, and then he went upstairs and came back down in normal clothes. "Alex, we have a surprise for yo-"
"No," I stuck my bottom lip out "You're going to meet your sister!"
"Gerard, isn't she with Lyn-Z still?"
"Yeah, they're both coming."
"Is it not awkward that you have a wife, a daughter and an adopted son with your best friend."
"Pfft, no."
"Alright then." I put my glass away and went up to Ray and Nikita. "Call Of Duty best of 3?"
"No James, we know who the winner will be."
"K, I'll be the ref."
"Cool, let's go kitty!" I hissed at Ray and sat in between him and Nikita. James turned the Xbox on and gave us our controllers.
"Right, I want a nice fair fight. No controller flipping, screen blocking, shoulder barging, hair facials.." He glared at Ray "Or anything of the sort. Mikey is with Nikita, Frank with Alex and Gerry with Ray."
"But I want Gee Way!" Reaching out for my Dad in a 5-year old way.
"Frank?" He asked. Frank nodded and he came behind me, put my hood up and started massaging my shoulders. I did a Rocky-esque shadow punching. "You got this. They're nothing compared to you." He pretended to put a mouthguard in and I accidentally bit his hand, making Frank laugh in hysterics. James took his position back.
Mikey facepalmed "Its not a boxing match!"
We got pretty heated, I won the first match, then Nikita, then somehow Ray, so this was the penultimate decider. The round had just started. I looked to my left, then my right. Nobody was around, then someone shot me in the back. "Dammit Kita!" I turned around and headshotted her into oblivion. "Bitch shoot that in the back!" She silently walked off, then my hair was soaked and covering my eyes so I couldn't see.
"THAT WAS NOT TOTALLY AWESOME! GEE WAY GONNA FUCK YOU UP!" I then heard screaming, and Mickle pushed my hair out of my eyes, and Frank came over, leaving Ray alone. I saw him, and we both took cover. We tried shooting each other, and we both got a few hits, but then I threw a sneaky grenade at him and he didn't realise.
"BOOM! Sometimes winners gonna win. Sorry Auntie Ray."
"Its alright kitty" I hissed at him and he chuckled.
"What do I win?"
"We're off to the movies, you can decide what we're watching."
"BATMAN!" I screamed. Ray nodded and I high-fived him. "Wait, where's Gee Way and Nikita?" Ray, Frank and Mickle shrugged. We then heard screaming and ran outside, to see Nikita hanging upside down out of an upstairs window.
"Yes!" She was then pulled back in and came running outside, hiding behind Ray.
"She wasn't totally awesome!"
"Dad, are Bandit and Lyn-Z gonna be at the movies?"
"YOU SPOILED THE SURPRISE??" Frank seemed to shrink.
"It was Ray." He muttered. Gerard looked at him and shook his head.
"Toro, get upstairs. That was not totally awesome." Ray hung his head and was marched up the stairs by Gerard.




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