Chapter 3~ I only live in your memories

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This chapter has a lot of medical/scientific inaccuracies, I am aware of them but just go along with it please. Don't forget to comment and vote! Enjoy!

When Harry arrived at his mother's house, Blake waited for him to park the car then got out running towards the front door where he didn't even bother knocking. Harry sighed not knowing what else to do with him when his son had been acting weird around him ever since he had talked to Zayn. He didn't want to think Zayn had told him something even though he knew he will never hurt his godson like that. He along with Liam and Niall only wanted the best for Blake.

He could already hear the children's giggles as he walked inside the house he had helped buy for his mum along with his sister, their mother deserved the best after the many sacrifices she had to endure for them. The first person he saw was Gemma kissing his son's cheeks until he was trying to push her away and she only kept doing it.

Her smile only got bigger as soon as she noticed him and without saying anything, she rushed to him wrapping her arms around him as she rubbed his back. It felt comforting like it always did but this time she stayed there longer after Anne had told her earlier that day.

"It's going to be okay." She kissed his cheek seeing him nodding before pulling him into her warm hold once again.

"Uncle Harry, I missed you!" David hugged his legs followed by an excited Michelle who looked up at him with bright green eyes.

"And I missed both of you too, lots and lots." Harry bent down to pick them up with no trouble glad that he could at least still do that now that he wasn't getting any younger.

"Harry! How have you been?" Michael asked coming from the kitchen after having cooked a big lunch for all of them.

"Great! Been a little busy but I'll finally be able to relax this weekend and monday." Harry gave him Michelle then a side hug.

"Uncle Michael promised to play football with us." Blake happily announced finally looking at Harry, "And you're going to play with us so the team is complete."

"I want to play too." Michelle pouted looking at her father.

"I know you are, EllaElle. You always play." Blake quickly included her as he tickled her bare foot making Harry proud of him.

"Okay!" Anne walked out of the kitchen clapping her hands once, "It's time to eat lunch, Michael and I cooked all of your favorites."

She smiled when all three kids rushed to the kitchen taking their usual seats together not wanting to be apart after not having seen each other for a while. Lunch time was filled with laughs and loud chattering even when Blake started talking about Louis and how he knew he would be coming home soon. Harry had ignored the looks that all three adults had given him and instead focused on his son who always came first no matter what.

When they were done eating, Anne and Gemma kicked them out to the backyard so they could play football like they had promised. They followed when they finished cleaning the kitchen and took a seat on the porch putting cold water bottles on the table. Harry was for once having fun forgetting about his troubles at least for a few hours until he was exhausted and had to absolutely sit down to catch his breath.

"Drink some water, baby brother. You look ready to pass out." Gemma pushed a water bottle his way seeing him opening it then chugging the whole contents down.

"Thanks." Harry said still trying to catch his breath after he was done with it, "I thought I was going to faint out there, it's a bit hot."

"You're just not used to it anymore, sweetheart. You spend almost all day inside, it will be good for you if you get out once in a while." Anne reached for his hand smiling when he held on to it.

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