Chapter 2

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As I grew into my fully developed form, white gas began to seep in. COLD!!! I writhed in agony as a different gas poured in. I collapsed onto the ground, passing out. I awoke in a giant full-body restraint. Th... they hurt me. I vow revenge on every human. I shall wage war upon them! But for now, I shall play their games. I shall play the role of "pet" until I have an opportunity to make them pay. I felt an engraved marking on my forehead. ➰? What does that mean?

"Hello Rea, strange... You're different from the others. You are smarter." A man behind a REINFORCED glass wall. "You also are physically different, three spikes on your tail, faster, longer, taller, stronger, spit acid, knife-like blades on your wrists, and you're slightly telepathic, meaning you can sense things before they happen, but not on a large scale, more like a few minutes to an hour, but STILL..."


"Do that all you want, but it's not going to..."

Augghhhh! A blue light flashed across my vision and I saw me using some power to release my restraints and opening the door. Another flash and I was back. So that is what he meant by telepathy.
"You had a vision, didn't you? I wish you could tell me."

I looked at him and focused. Moments later, he fell backwards in agony. You'd like for me to show you, wouldn't you?

"Astounding! Yes I would. Will you?"


With that, I ended the connection and he stumbled, then left.

AVP 1: Ashes to ashesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें