Part 16

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I know many of you are very confused by her having conversations with a voice inside her head. This will be explained eventually! Keep reading, do not be discouraged, this is one of her agency's many secrets. That's all I can tell you.

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How much longer am I going to have to sit around and be a perfect little student. Boss sent me here to pick up some dirt on this place, and I've got plenty. I need to stick around longer though, only two days and I've learned this much, who knows what else is in store. 

The bell rang bring and I sprung from my little desk. 

"Lizzie, wait!", Connor yelled.

I ran out the small door of the classroom, pushing soon to be spies out of my way, cries of outrage came from behind me. I need to set up base, the safest place would be my room. An obvious place if they're investigating me, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I need somewhere that I can lock down for hours and not suspicious, sadly my only option is my cell.

"Lizzie!," Connor yelled again, but this time I could hear the sounds of his feet pounding against the hard cement as he grew nearer.

I picked up my pace, forcing my legs to move faster, my arms to pump harder. I can't let Connor catch me, it's still unknown if he is friend or foe. He could easily be going undercover on me, an agent who was undercover here.

I could finally see my door, it was slowly getting closer until I wrapped my hand around the small metal round knob. A large pull and the door was open just enough for me to slip through, I slammed it shut behind me as soon as I crossed its threshold.

"Lizzie let me in!," A series of thuds followed Connor's cry.

Shaking my head my hair fell around my shoulders. I input my system lock, and watched as a second door of steel came down, and my actual door was now hidden. The agency had guaranteed extra protection. Walking to the steel door, I checked the lock system making sure that the door was indeed locked. Reassured that I was safe inside my room, I turned to my small cot of a bed.

I got to my knees, flatting myself against the cold cement and reached under the bed my arm gliding against the floor, my hand reaching out until finally finding what I was looking for. Wrapping my fingers around the handle of my small suitcase I pulled it out from underneath the bed gently, in case of setting off any explosives I had packed.

Smiling in victory after getting it out safely, I reached for the zipper of the first small pocket. A swift pull and it had unzipped, I removed my laptop from the bag and set it up on the floor.

Booting up the small black government issued computer I pulled my long hair back into a bun. When the computer had loaded, I quickly entered my password and got to work.

Name: Agent 336: Lizzie

Mission: 679 Spy Academy

Report: Thus far much significant information has been found. Attacked upon landing, and then later interrogated. I have been enrolled into a class called chemistry they have been studying DNA samples of themselves. 

Final Analysis: Requesting more time on mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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I'm 14 years old and I'm an international spyWhere stories live. Discover now