Chapter 1

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Emma P.O.V-
It was a beautiful spring afternoon. She could hear the birds and smell the salty sea air. She loved being here, her favorite place, with him. She could feel the warm sun beaming down on her exposed back. Something about laying above deck always relaxed her. She could hear the heavy footsteps of leather boots coming across the deck. She didn't move, other than to take in the smell of his scent. He had the most ravishing smell. Rum, leather, and pirate, as she called it. This made her smile. "Enjoying yourself Swan?" He asked. "Yes, as always Mr.Jones." she said sarcastically. "Dinner will be ready soon, love." He said as he walked away laughing. She couldnt help it. Her smile widened. For once, everything was perfect. Storybrooke had been ununually quiet since their return from the Underworld. She tried not to lenger on that place too long. All that mattered was she had Killian back, and he his Swan. Her mind ran back to this time a month ago when she thought she had lost him forever. The love of her life, her true love, gone. She quickly sat up, shaking the image from her head. (Completely forgetting to re-tie her bathing suit top) Suddenly she threw her towel around her when she heard a whistle come from across the deck.

Killian P.O.V-
I had been cooking dinner when I realized we had veered slightly off course. Most likely my fault for being lost in my thought of Swan above deck. I climbed the steps and headed to the helm. Turning slightly left to steer us in the right direction. I looked out across the Jolly Roger, what a beautiful ship I thought. But not quiet as beautiful as the woman sun bathing at the other end. Just then I saw her jump up and seem to shake a nightmare from her mind. To quickly lighten her thoughts, because I had a feeling I knew what they were about. I whistled. I laughed as she shot a look up at me and quickly wrapped up. "Now thats how to greet a man, Swan!" I laughed, teasing her. Man, why did she pick up the towel he thought.

Emma P.O.V-
"Oh my god! Hush Jones, before I give you two hooks!" She screamed, trying to pretend she was mad. Kmowing full well there was no way to be mad at this man. Her man, her Killian. He stood just a few inches taller than her. Just tall enough she had to stand on her tip toes to reach his lips, she loved that part. "God, his lips." She thought bringing a hand to her on lips. he had raven black hair. That he would run his fingers through and raise and eyebrow, just because he knew it drove her wild. She smiled to herself as she thought this. And the bluest eyes she had ever seen. She never knew how it was humaly possible to have blue eyes so deep. She snapped back from her thoughts to realize he was just a few feet away. While she was lost in her own head he had walked, more like glided, over to her. She threw her hands up, reaching for him. Dropping her towel.

Killian P.O.V
I saw her start to stare off into the ocean. Much like I do when im pondering the universe. I couldnt help but wonder what was going on in that beautiful blonde head of hers. She was so strickingly beautiful. Sitting gazing at the water. Hand still holding the towel up over her naked breasts. How I wished I hadnt brought that towel above deck for her. I laughed to myself and walked across the deck, hoping to pull her out of her thoughts. She must have not heard me because she looked up quickly as if I scared her. She then extended her arms. Much to my delight dropping that bloody towel. I raised my eyebrow with a crooked grin, seeing my beautiful Swan like this. I reached down to help her up only to be hurtled to the deck next to her. I started to say something, but stopped myself and grabbed her. Pulling her as close as possible. As our lips touched I could feel the fireworks exploding in my throat. Her legs started to intertwine with mine as I heard her let out a most amazing moan. I pushed harder against her. I couldnt help it. I loved this woman more than life, my life, inself. And I finally knew, after all this time, exactly how she felt about me. No more questioning. Not after her trip to the Underworld after me. But, before I could finish my thought she pulled away. Much to my displeasure. "Now, now Jones. We should leave such things to be done in privacy." she said mocking his irish accent. "Come now, didnt you say something anout dinner? Im staving!" She said laughing. She stood up, grabbed her towel. Obviously I wasnt holding onto it tight enough. And walked below deck. I sat up on my elbows still out of breath and laughed to myself. "My Swan." I whispered.

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