Chapter 25: My Worst Nightmare

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She looked from Angie to me. "You sure you want to hear 'bout this?" From the tone in her voice I wasn't so sure I wanted to know anymore. Angie answered for me urging her mother to go on. "It's been a very long time since I had Angie, but I can still remember the pain." She shook her head and smirked. "I remember someone sayin' once, 'You must go through pain to notice the beautiful things', and I do believe that. I was in labor for nearly two days before she finally decided to make her appearance." She chuckled. Angie giggled and I laughed nervously. The word pain stuck out so much to me.

"You forget all 'bout the pain when you see your baby for the first time. The pain actually seemed worth it when I held Angie in my arms. Small, chubby cheeked baby girl- stole her daddy's heart at first sight." I listened to the way aunt Gillian described her memory. There was so much love and adoration, and I realized I couldn't wait to have that moment with Forrest and our child. "It's normal to be scared about child birth- especially when it's your first time, but it is a beautiful thing. I know your momma felt the same 'bout you. Her only girl. She was so happy." I smiled as my eyes began to water.

We talked about many things until I decided to take my leave before my grudge holding brother arrived from work. I said my goodbyes and promised to stop by tomorrow. It was still early in the afternoon and I did not want to head home just yet. I decided on searching for Jack, and I knew exactly where he would be.

I had been with Jack enough at the stills to know that, that is where he would be. Cricket would be there as well. I drove into the spot where Jack usually parked. His newest car was there, which meant so was he. It was such a beautiful day and the scenery was gorgeous. I took my time walking through the grass and into the woods to get to the stills. I was startled when the howl of an animal echoed through the woods. I attempted to move faster towards the stills until I heard the voices of many men. Then the sound of gun fire erupted. I ran deeper into the woods, hiding in the tall grass and bushes. I became paralyzed. I couldn't bring myself to make a run for the car. I didn't know who those voices belonged to or how many of them there were, but I knew one thing for sure. They were dangerous.

The gun fire ceased and the men's voices died down, but I still did not move or even attempt to move. I don't know how long I sat hidden in the bushes. The only thought in my mind was that I needed to get home to Forrest. Lost in my thoughts I was abruptly snapped out of them when I heard the rustling and snapping of twigs. I crouched down as low as I could hoping to stay out of sight.

The men were closer now and I could make out what they were saying. "I don't know, sir. Maybe because you smell funny." It was Cricket. I was just about to reveal myself until I heard the other man's voice.

"What's wrong with your damn legs, anyway?" Deputy Rakes asked Cricket. The beat of my heart speeded up. I was scared out of my wits- not only for Cricket but for myself as well. This was not a good thing. I've seen what he can do and how malicious he is. I tried to be silent. I wanted this to be a dream that I needed to wake up from.

They stopped a few feet away from me. "That's it. Down a bit. Here, just go on here." The deputy pointed to an opening. 'Why does he want Cricket to go in there?'

Cricket looked confused. "What do we...? Why do you want me to go in there?" His voice trembled with fear. I felt my own fear taking over. A cold chill ran through my body. Silent tears streamed down my face. Deputy Rakes pushed Cricket into the cave. He then stands directly behind my friend and I could see that there is a struggle between the two. The only thing visible to me was the back of the devil himself.

I watch helplessly, a hand covering my mouth to muffle my crying. The deputy starts to rant. "Makes a Goddamn mess on Charlie Rakes shirt!" He yells at the defenseless boy. Cricket continues to struggle to get free. "He called me a fuckin' Nance!!" A sickening snap was what I heard next and a body hitting the ground. I yelped and quickly hated myself for it. I prayed that he did not hear me. He rushed out of the cave at that very moment. His eyes looking around wildly in search of where the sound came from. His eyes landed on the bushes that I was hiding behind. It wasn't until a wicked smirk grew on his face that I knew he'd seen me. Without hesitation I took off running as fast as I could. My vision blurred from the tears that continued to fall. I never once looked back to see if I was in fact being chased, my only thought was to make it back to the car. Then I remembered that I left the gun Forrest gave me in the car, and I hoped that I would get to it before Rakes got to me.

I could see the clearing in a distance. It seemed so close, but yet so far. Adrenalin coursed through my body. Suddenly my head was whipped back aggressively. I scream at the top of my lungs and a gloved hand roughly covers my mouth. I'm yanked back into my attacker. I'm breathing heavily but I still fight to get free. His grip tightens and I can feel his breath on my neck.

"You seem to be in a very delicate condition, sweetheart." He whispers in my ear. I start to struggle harder to get out of his grasp. "Is that why you never leave Blackwater?" His nose is in my hair and I can hear him inhale deeply. He turns me around to face him, gripping me by my wrist, his face only inches from mine.

"L-let me go, p-please!" I beg knowing my attempt was in vain. His hand reached up to my face and into my hair. It was obvious to me what he wanted to do so I pulled away. I kneed him in his groin which caused him to let me go. I took off running again. A hand yanked on my wrist spinning me around only to be greeted with a backhand across my face. I fell to the ground slightly dizzy by the forceful blow. He crouched in front of my feet with his head cocked to one side and his permanent sneer on his face. I scurried backwards trying to put any distance between us. Grabbing my ankles the deputy pulled me back to him, he hovered over me, his knees on either side of my waist. He started to open the buttons on my dress slowly.

I realized what he was about to do and I knew that I would rather die than let him have his way. I fought him and screamed for help. Hoping that someone, anyone would come to my rescue. I clawed at his face which only made him more aggressive. He had, had enough of my feeble attempts that he became physical. A smack across my face leaving a hot stingy sensation on my skin. He continued on trying to disrobe me.

"No no please no! Help!" I cried helplessly. He pressed his gloved hand over my mouth tightly.

He moved in closer to my ear. "None of them dirty hicks are here to save you now." His words did not stop me from trying. I continued to scream and yell- even though they were muffled. "Shut up!! He shouted in my face. He held my armsabove my head and began to fumble with his belt. I tried using my legs to kick him off but it was a failed attempt. There was a vicious blow to my face and a metallic taste was quickly filling my mouth. My vision was darkening. My surroundings were becoming blurry. I weakly pushed against him in one last attempt and I was rewarded with another blow to my face.

The darkness was overtaking me. I tried to will myself to stay awake but it was useless. Hearing the tearing of my dress I thought it better to welcome the darkness. The heavy breathing and panting of the deputy were muted. Everything went black.

Babette's Story (Lawless Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu