Not So Bad (Chapter 17)

Começar do início

Bray made sure to lock the door so no one found her. Olivia was tied to a chair so she couldn't do much of anything to try to escape. She couldn't really move either, she was in too much pain. Bray had the door locked and turned off all the lights. She was left all alone in that room. She was still on the ground after she was thrown to the ground. She was still trying to catch her breath. She began wondering if the abuse she suffered from Ryan was as bad as what she just suffered. Ryan was one person, she had just been attacked by three very large men. She had been kicked in the stomach multiple times. Her body ached all over, but mostly her face. She was sure her lip was still bleeding. She had yelled and cried for help earlier, but no one seemed to hear, or didn't care to help so she thought that yelling for help would be pointless. As she lay in pain alone in the dark all she could do was breathe, cry, and hope that someone would find her before The Wyatt Family came back. She wondered if maybe Bray was right. Did Seth really love her? Why would he let something like this happen to her? As she thought about Seth she thought about the first time he told her that he loved her. He had left his hospital bed to stop her from leaving. She thought about the first kiss they shared and all she wanted was to be in his arms again. She cried as she said his name.


She didn't know what else to do. All she could think of to do was try to sleep. She knew The Wyatts were going to come back. She wanted to close her eyes and try to erase what just happened. She hoped that when she woke up it would just be a nightmare and that she would wake up in Seth's arms. Meanwhile The Shield were in the ring. They were told that The Wyatts had accepted their challenge. Seth wanted to be the one to start the match, he didn't like any member of The Wyatt Family, but Bray was the leader, and the mastermind behind the abduction of Olivia. Of course Bray wasn't willing to start the match, Luke Harper started the match and attacked Seth first with a big boot. Bray was the master of the mind games. Later on it was a similar scene as before, Dean and Roman were outside the ring and at the time Seth was struggling for control of the match. Once Bray was sure that he could take control of the match, he tagged himself in and started the attack. There was a lot going on over at the commentary table. Michael Cole was the main one speaking.

"Now here comes Bray Wyatt. As of tonight, he has really made things personal with Seth Rollins. He kissed Olivia, hit her with Sister Abigail, and then took her away. Ever since then Seth has been an emotional wreck."

Back in the ring Bray was having fun with Seth.

"Come on Seth! Get up! You're weak! This woman Olivia... look how weak she makes you. You cried for her, a real man doesn't cry over a woman. Search all you want, you'll never find her."

Bray took a piece of her shirt that was ripped out of his pocket and threw it down for Seth to see.

"You failed her, you couldn't even protect her from me, but don't worry... I'll take good care of you're pretty little sweetheart Olivia."

Seth saw the ripped piece of her shirt and was filled with rage. Seth jumped up and jumped at Bray hitting him in the face with hard punches. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan go to pull Seth off Bray, but were met with Dean and Roman. Dean ran at Erick and hit him with a drop kick and sent him over the ropes out of the ring. Roman hit Luke Harper with a spear and Luke rolled out of the ring grabbing at his ribs. The ref lost control and ended up disqualifying Seth for losing his cool. Dean and Roman saw how angry Seth was and had to pull him off Bray.

"Dean, Roman... let me go. He hurt Olivia... I know he did."

Roman held Seth back and spoke up.

"Ok I get it... I think we owned The Wyatts, now is you're chance to go find her."

Seth calmed down a little, or at least made it look like he was calming down.

Not So Bad (WWE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora