Chapter 11- Disturbed

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 This is where there has been A LOT of changes. If anyone knows anything about hunting in Manitoba, and rifles, and they can see I've made a mistake, please let me know. I haven't edited this chapter or the next ones, either. Enjoy! Comment, vote, you know the drill!

Chapter 11- Disturbed

At around eleven o'clock we headed out, all of us dressed in orange bibs. The boys had brought hunting hats too, and handed me one which was just a little bit too big. There weren't enough for everyone but then, not all of us were hunting.

I didn't remember how to hunt at all and hoped it would come back to me soon seeing as Sami had said once again that I should lead it. Fortunately, Zak and Owen seemed to naturally take over the role of leading and I happily let them. I began to relax, thinking that I would get to skip the hunting altogether. Up until the point I was handed a rifle. I stared at it like it would explode in my hand.

Zak walked up to me and I tried not to move away as he leaned into my ear. “The gun is loaded but the safety is on. Just move this button,” he tapped the round button on the side, “and you'll see the 'f'.”

I nodded absently and when I realized he was waiting for me to do it, I sucked in a breath. The 'f' symbol for 'fire' showed when I slid the button. He nodded and I put it back on safety.

“Okay,” Owen announced so we could all hear, “Me, Zak and Cora have the rifles so you guys hold back, we don't want an accident.”

“So what's the point in us coming?” Alex jumped in. In my opinion she had a point though her snotty way about it didn't help her one bit.

“Just in case we need you to carry what we kill,” Owen replied and a smile spread across his face at the disgusted look on hers. A bit my lip to stop myself from smiling too because I caught her glaring at me. So she was what? Jealous of me for being the only girl with a rifle? Puh! She could take it. But then imagining Alex with a rifle made me rethink that.

“Plus,” Damon cut in, “you're gonna help me catch some critters.” He grinned at Alex, holding up his crossbow. It was hard for me to stifle my laugh as I saw her reaction.

Critters? What the fuck?”

“He means squirrels and hares and stuff,” Jess explained. It didn't help to remove the disgust very evident on Alex's face.

“You all got your phones?” Zak asked and everyone nodded. “Signal?” Everyone glanced at their screens and bobbed their heads. “Make sure you stay with someone who knows the way back, so Sami, Damon,” who both nodded in agreement, “ and Akil?”

“Sure, I know the way. Stay close to me girls,” Akil said wiggling his brows.

Hmm, I'd rather not, I thought, eying him distastefully. My distaste turned to wariness when he looked at me. I should say, he leered at me. I turned away.

“Drake?” Zak addressed me. I turned to him and he cocked his head for me to follow.

I felt like such a tool holding the rifle. It was heavy and terrifying in my inexperienced grip. I was inexperienced after all when I couldn't remember my experience with it. I remembered going hunting with my dad, vaguely, but I didn't remember how to actually use a gun. I told myself I would just follow Owen and Zak and keep the gun pointed at the ground, even if I saw something to shoot.

We headed off and as I walked between Owen and Zak, I whispered, “So, what licenses do you guys have, or am I to add poaching to the list of crimes you've dragged me into this week?”

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