Chapter 8- Camping

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 Just to give people the heads up, most of the chapters from here on out are under editing still. There's probably mistakes in the previous chapters as well but just thought I'd let ya know this isn't my writing at my absolute best yet! Hope you like anyway. Please vote if you do!

Chapter 8- Camping

“I’m so glad you came. We do this every year and it’s nice to have you back in the…camp crew.”

 I chuckled through chattering teeth as Sami and I got closer to the campsite.

 It was nearing the end of February and it was absolutely freezing.

 December to the end of January had been a bad time for me. I hadn’t seen anything in mirrors but I still had nightmares -although no burnt hair, thank God.

 It had affected my studying. I’d fallen asleep in class several times so Helena had been all up in my grill about that. Strangely Abdul was more understanding and had played the good cop throughout her lecture after the principal called just before the holidays.

 On top of that, the fight with Sadie made the new-year get off to a horrible start.

 The next day I had apologized to her –Christmas time being about forgiveness and all- but despite her half-hearted acceptance of my apology, she avoided me more than ever. It was like I hadn’t even asked for her forgiveness and that hurt me a lot but I just didn’t have the mental capacity to try to mend our relationship. The lack of sleep and the constant fear I had hanging around my neck made me edgy and I just wasn’t myself.

 So despite my complete repulsion to the below freezing temperatures; I had said yes.

 Sami was as shocked as I was at my quick reply. It would normally have taken her several tries before I finally agreed.

 “Yeah well I’m surprised-stunned even- that they agreed to let me do this. Mom was more excited about it than I was-” she glanced at me with disappointment, “-at the time,” I assured her. Her signature grin returned and she grabbed my mitten hand as we stepped over another wide tree root, protruding from the ground.

 “Maybe she was just glad to be rid of me,” I joked though inside I wasn’t laughing.

 “Don’t be down in the dumps about it. So what if you fell asleep in class. You’re a teenager.” She said it as if it was the answer to everything. “You aren’t the first to take a nap through a boring lecture and won’t be the last. So while we’re here, family problems, any problems whatsoever, is off limits. Okay?”

 I nodded, though it looked more like a shake as I shivered.

We stopped when we’d been talking and then we got back on the move.

 I started to wonder if we’d ever reach the cabin.

 Sami was all excited and smiley she didn't seem to be aware of the long trek. “We normally do this during the Christmas break because we can stay here longer, but no one was available. I guess one weekend is long enough.”

 “More than enough,” I muttered under my breath.

 She either didn’t hear me or pretended not to, smiling like a giddy schoolgirl as we clomped up and down the uneven ground.

 I had left my car in the clearing, where the trees were scattered more widely apart, allowing enough space to park. It was hidden from the road so I was sure that it would be safe there.

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