chapter 1: Introduction

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This is a pertemis story, not like the others ones you read, this is truly originally so enjoy! :)


It was a beautiful night, the forest was sleeping and the soft breeze stroke the leaves of the trees, making a lullaby for the dancing and twinkling star around the bright moon. All the diurnal animals were sleeping, leaving the forest for the nocturnal one; Wolves, owls, magpie, and many others animals, that waits for the human kind to fall asleep, so that they can't be annoyed. All of sudden, a branch cracked making a loud and harsh sound. Then, more cracked branch, something or someone was walking, not alone, but in a pack or group. Out of the healty green foliage, come out a slender girl, she seem to be aged about 12 years old. She had brown auburn hair fixed in a ponytail and silver eyes. Although she was a girl, she was wearing a hunting uniform, like Katniss' uniform from Hunger games. Then, a group of girl followed her with normal clothes. All of these girls had a bow raised and some arrows; they were hunting or just protecting the leader girl. Then, the girl ahead, with the auburn hair, stopped. She raise her hand and gave some signs to the others young womens, then, the auburn haired girl looked at them. The others girl nodded and take down the bow. One girl, with black hair and bue eyes, walked to the young woman with the uniform and gave a strange look to her 'leader'. The leader smiled at little and only replyed:

-" Yes. We're here" She said kindly but in a low voice. The black haired girl smiled and nodded, then went back along the other girls. The leader girl started to walk and whispered to the girls without looking at them.

-" Remember the rules; not hurting males unless the flirt or attack you, don't challenge my brother's child in archery competition and act respectfully to the one I 'trust'...every infraction of these ,and many others rules that you know, will be severally punished " She deliver the word 'trust' with so harshly that it seemed she was forced to say it. The girls simply nodded again and followed the leader. As the girls were walking through the forest, two persons, one girl and one boy, were garding an mysterious entry.
-" How's here?!" The boy spit. The girl just raised an eyebrow and look at him with disgust and hate.

-" εγώ είμαι Ἄρτεμις " the leader girl just spatted to the boy. The boy let the group of girls enter and soon after they passed the entry, the girls found themselves inside a camp.

-" You're dismissed for the moment huntress, I'll find you to my Cabin in 1 hour" The girl named Ἄρτεμις said looking at the huntress that runs away to what seemed to be a bungalow. The auburn girl walked to a big mansion in the middle of the camp, and enter in it. She passed the long corridor and enter in an office without knocking. She saw two men, sitting on chairs; one man with blond hair and sunglasses that seemed to be about 20 years old, (and he was extremelly hot), and the other one with horse's but-I mean Centaur. They glance to me and when the blond man recognize who it was, he immediatly stood up to make a big bear hug to Ἄρτεμις . However she tried to push him away but he had strong arms.

-" Arty, my beloved little sister! How are you? Why did you came here?" He exclaimed happy. Arty signed and replied harshly.

-"I told you a million of times; don't call me like that and I'm not your little sister...And if you had a brain, you would realized that there's an upcoming war! How can I be fine after I realize my stupid brother is so idiotic that he can't see mother Earth is awaking!? You're a freaking god of Oracle! Can't you do something right for once?!" She spit out furiously as she finally managed to get out of his embrace. Her brother gaze at her sister not believing what he heard. He'd thought she would forgive him for it.
-" Come on sis' ! Don't tell me you're still mad about it!" He said putting his hand on her shoulder. She slapped his hand harly and glared at him.

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