24- I'm Stupid And Lonely

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“Much later.” I informed her, growing a plan in my mind. I was going to forget about Danny, I wouldn’t let him be a buzz kill, not tonight, at least. I can’t let that happen, he isn’t worth it, not in the least.

“Zoey!” Alice shrieked, now starting to panic a bit at my response.

“A few hours, okay?” I appeased her. “Now go, I have a plan.”

“It’s not a very good plan.” She informed me as I took my first sip of the vile liquid. It was really strong, so I only sipped it for now, knowing that within the first few gulps, I’d be gone and wouldn’t come back to earth until tomorrow with a headache anchoring me to my bed. I didn’t want that yet.

“Two hours, Ali.” I soothed her before beginning to walk towards the beer pong table, which was probably the stupidest thing I could have done, but I did it anyway because maybe I’m a psychopath, I’m not really sure yet. They’re impulsive, and what I was doing right now- it was very impulsive.

“I’m counting them!” Alice called from behind me, finally giving up on trying to keep me safe from myself.

I took a large sip of the nasty alcohol in my hand right before I was standing right in front of the beer pong table, on the other side of the large table from Danny. I think he was still looking at me, but I wasn’t looking at him anymore, I was pretending to be really into the game, for my own sake.

“Who’s winning?” I asked with a small smile. Psychopaths are also really good at lying and hiding their emotions. No, that’s not true. Psychopaths don’t even have emotions. Okay, well I do have emotions, in fact, I was being destroyed by them at the moment, so I guess I’m not the next Ted Bundy.

There were five boys at the table, including Danny. Two on each side of the table, on teams. They all looked a little familiar from around school, but I didn’t know any of their names or anything. They all had costumes on, though. Batman was on a team with a cop and a Lakers player was teamed up with a Hugh Hefner. Danny didn’t have a costume on at all. Even Jason attempted to put a costume on, what kind of person doesn’t dress up for a Halloween party? Stupid people, that’s who. Stupid people like Danny Stupid Banks.

They all looked at me with dropped jaws and I don’t know if it was because of how skanky I was dressed or if it was because of who I am, but they were pretty stunned that I was standing there in front of them.

“Um, w-we are.” Batman finally sputtered out.

“Okay,” I said slowly. “Well, are you guys going to play or not?” I asked with raised eyebrows when I noticed that they had all stopped playing their game in order to look at me, which I didn’t find necessary, but I guess it’s their choice, if they really want to, despite the fact that it made me uncomfortable.

“Right.” Hugh Hefner blurted quickly before they all mechanically moved their gazes back to the table and the game at hand. I giggled for no apparent reason and took another sip of my drink.

“Do you guys mind if I watch? I can’t play very well, but I like to watch.” I spoke up, trying my best to not let Danny affect me. I, honestly, had no idea what I was doing standing right there and having a conversation with these four high school guys. I didn’t know why my impulsive self was standing just across the slim table from Danny- the liar and mean, rude, big old fat stupid liar, but there I was- just standing there, and he didn’t look like he was planning on moving any time soon.

“No, you can watch.” The cop insisted. It seemed that they were all gaining their composure back from whatever initial shock that they went through, because they were talking normally now, and throwing the small ping pong balls back and forth, occasionally making it into the cup. My impulsive self was talking again and I stupidly decided that I would hook up with one of those four guys. I don’t know if I thought that it would make Danny jealous, but I didn’t think that it would. You know, since he never actually cared about me, but I had to at least try. And if it doesn’t work, at least I got a night of fun out of it, right? To make my decision, I analyzed all four of their faces and tried to find the cutest one, but they were all of average cuteness- definitely not as cute/hot as Danny, though. I quickly shot that thought out of my head and decided on Hugh Hefner.

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