Chapter 52

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Tobias POV

I can't believe today I finally get to marry Tris. Zeke let me stay in his old room since I wasn't allowed to stay with her, but after tonight I will never have to sleep without her again. I am so excited I can barely tie this annoyingly stubborn tie.

I am standing in the front of the ballroom, I keep rocking on my heels attempting to keep the nerves at bay. In a few moments Tris and I will be married. I just have this nagging feeling that something is going to happen. It has been pretty quiet since the attack on Tris and Shauna, it might be the solider in me but I can't help thinking that they are going to try again today. I make a discreet movement to my right side and feel the gun in its place. I hope I am wrong and won't need to use this, no one ever conceals on their wedding day.

I hear the doors of the ballroom open and turn towards them, a smile plastered on my face as I see her. Tris looks amazing. She is dressed in a simple but elegant gown. Her eyes are stunning and noticeable, I see nothing but love in them, and I know it is directed towards me. Her arm is wrapped around her father's and she takes a deep breathe before he says something to her. She smiles at him. She takes her first step towards me and looks up seeing me for the first time today, and the last time as her betrothed. Her smile grows bigger making my heart skip a beat.


I take a deep breath willing myself to not just run up to her and wrap her in my arms. I can't see anyone else in this moment, only Tris. My Tris.

She has only taken a few steps when my world beings to shatter around me. In a matter of seconds Andrew, Tris' father falls to the ground, Tris stops and screams. Before her mouth even moves to scream though I am already making my way towards her. She looks up at me and the room goes dark. So dark I have to stop moving, I can't see anything, where is Tris?

"FOUR! ERIC! Someone help please." I hear her scream into the darkness.

Why did we have to have the wedding at sundown I mentally scold myself. Just then the lights come back on. I look around trying to scope out what is happening around me, my eyes land on Tris with her father. I run to her and she relaxes slightly. Eric joins us soon after with Tris' mom and sister in law.

"Where is Caleb?" Tris asks no one in particular, Cara starts to cry.

"He tried to make it to you and your father, but when the lights went out we lost him in the chaos. We don't know where he is." her mother explains

"We need a doctor here now!" Eric yells at a guard that runs off towards the infirmary.

I look at Tris and help her stand. I tighten my grip around her fingers. I will not lose her, not now not ever.

"What is going on?" She whispers to me.

"I fear that this is the last attempt to stop us, Tris I will never let anyone hurt you, I promise. I will protect you with my life if I have to." I hold her chin and kiss her passionately, this could be the last time I might kiss her.

Most of the guest are gone, they ran away when the lights returned, definitely not Dauntless. I look around the room and see that Zeke, Uriah, Shauna, Marlene, Peter that ass, Al, Christina, Robert, Rose, and Molly are the only people still in the room along with myself, Tris, her parents, Eric and Cara. I wonder for a moment where Lauren and Lynn are.

"Oh dear lord." I hear someone speak and I look up to the front of the room and see the cardinal hiding behind a table. I guess he is in this with us as well.

Tris motion to Eric to help the poor man, he nods and brings him over to the rest of the royals, guarding all of them as best as he can. There is a pounding on the door and we all turn our heads towards it. Just then the door burst open. The girls scream, except Tris she just stands their frozen in place, I step in front of her slightly to shield her. More screams echo the ballroom as a few lower windows break and masked people enter the room. The intruders aim their weapons at Eric as he slowly lowers his down to the ground as requested. I watch Eric get back up with his hands up in a surrendering fashion. Footsteps echo in the ballroom I instinctively reach for my weapon but quickly stop myself. I look to the door and I hear Tris gasp.

"Caleb!" I grip her arm to keep her from running towards him.

A large man is holding him. A knife is against his throat.

"Let him go. " Tris demands. She sounds angry and no fear rest in her voice. There is a fire in her eyes, I can't help but feel pride at how brave she is.

"Princess, how demanding we are, when you have nothing to bargain with." The large man says.

She looks at me questioning if I know him, I look back unsure.

"Drew?" Christina questions with raised eyebrows. "Drew what are you doing?" She sobs.

"My job."

"Who are you working for?" I practically growl at this man, Drew.

"Now why would I tell you that?" He smiles as he digs the knife further into Caleb's neck.

I feel Tris rest her hands on my back. I keep shielding her from Drew. I follow her gaze and watch an intruder knock Eric over the head with his gun. Eric's weapon on the ground and Zeke is closest to it. He looks at Shauna and sees a gun trained directly at her head. He won't be going for the gun.

"What is your mission?" Tris asks.

"Like I would tell you."

"ENOUGH!" I turn my head, my mouth falls open and my eyes widen. What is going on?

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