Chapter 13

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Gray POV
"So how's the mapping going" I asked handing Juvia a drink. It's been a 3 days since we got this map and Juvia and I have been trying to figure out how to use it.

"Lucy told me that one guy heard a rumour that one of the keys rested on the bottom of the ocean, the other in the stars" she said looking at me.

"Why there?"

"Well-" she said taking a sip. "I guess that the water mages and celestial mages worked together considering the key was hidden in the ocean and a water necklace was left behind. So I ask Levy and Lucy to look at any books that could suggest the two mages to work together. At the moment their is the celestial spirit world, looking at the library" she says rubbing the necklace.

"And the map?" I asked.

"Although this blank piece of paper is confusing me, it must has something to do with this necklace" she said picking up the old, circular shape paper.

"That make sense, one for the water mages and one for the celestial spirits" I said taking a step closer to her. She put on a thinking face for a moment.

"If each magic user got a key, why work together?" She asked looking me in the eye then travelling back to the map.

"Because the Pisces gold key was needed in ancient times to help the people of the water whenever their seas where in danger and the Libra key was used to balance out the stars" Levy answered coming through the door, Lucy and Natsu trailing her.

"Why have the box sealed for only celestial spirits to open if the key was for the water people?" Natsu pointed out.

"Even though the Pisces spirits were to help the water people, they were still important to the celestial world. You could only seek their help if a celestial spirit Mage granted you access to them. Only the purest of intentions could open the box" Lucy spoke pointing her finger.

"So once the box opens, there must of been a way only the water mages could read the map, to ensure both world were safe from pirates" Levy said placing a book on the table and glaring at Me and Natsu.

Lucy's POV
Levy and I decided to check the celestial world for any clues. Natsu decided to come along as well because he was bored.

"Find anything yet?" I asked.

"No and I'm bored" Natsu complained.

"Your the one who wanted to come along" I say poking him in the chest.

"I may have found something" Levy said walking over to us.

"This book is about the Great War of the stars and the ocean, they battled for many years only stopping when one cause bring them together. It was said that the ocean goddess spirit Serena thought the star goddess spirit galaxy, was going to take over the ocean, and goddess galaxy thought Serena were to destroy the balance in the stars. It was said that the fighting only stopped when both sides used a star to protect their own, causing them to accidentally form into one goddess, Luna, spirit of the moon. This goddess had control over both sides, until 20000 years passed, and she died. Before she passed away she left behind two stars that were used to help both sides, one for the water wizards and one for the celestial wizards" Levy finished reading a legend from the book of war.

"So each Mage got what they wanted after all? A way to protect the ocean and a way to even out the stars" I asked Levy as she put the book in her bag. We were told we could borrow it as long as we give it back.

"Yes but they could only use the keys for their own benefit if the other side agreed" Levy said as we make our way back to our world.

"So that's why the box for the Pisces key opened for a celestial wizard?" I asked getting back onto the ship.

"Correct" Levy said with a smile. I guess it's up to Juvia to find the key now

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