Chapter 1.

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"Lauren, what am I gonna do?" Ben said, plopping down on my couch. "My mum said she's not paying my rent starting next year and I can't get a job to save my life. What do losers do?" Before I could make a snide comment, he sat up, "I know! I'll start a band! That's what losers do!"

"Didn't you try and start a band a few years ago?"

"Yeah," He shrugged, "But this time I'll actually do it. Successfully, I mean."

"Whatever you say," I said, taking a chug of wine.

"Give me some," He said, practically snatching the bottle from my lips. "How did you even get this? Neither of us are old enough to buy yet."

Just then the doorbell rang, I got up to answer it and shrugged, "I pay this homeless guy on the corner to get my drink for me. He doesn't care that I'm 18 as long as he gets his 20 bucks."

"Smart girl," Ben winked, downing some more.

When I opened the door, I was shocked to see my brother Danny was standing there with a bag. "Mum and dad kicked me out," He said, pushing passed me and inviting himself in.

"Of course they fucking did," I muttered, closing the door. "Wait! Ben, I found your new room-mate. This is my brother, Danny. Danny, that's Ben, he lives across the hall."

"Ello mate," Ben said, raising the wine bottle to Danny as if it was a handshake. "So you say you need a place to stay?"

"I do," He replied, sitting down where I had been seated and propping his feet up on the coffee table.

"Make yourself comfortable," I mumbled sarcastically, having a seat next to Ben.

Ben raised an eyebrow, "You play any instruments?"

"I play guitar, but I'm awful," Danny replied. "I can play voice pretty well though."

Ben nodded, "You know anyone that can play bass or guitar?"

"I know some guys from college."

I scoffed, "You had time to make friends, but no time to attend class?"

"What do you think I was doing while skipping class?" Danny said rudely. "You have no place to speak about me getting thrown out. You didn't even attempt college. You just moved to York and got a mindless job as a bartender instead."

I shrugged and took the bottle back from Ben, "Low standards."

"I know where we can snag a drummer," Ben continued. "So are you in?"

"Sure thing, mate," Danny agreed.

Ben punched my arm, "You can be the merch girl and the person who drags us out of bed when we're hungover."

"Fun," I smiled sarcastically.

Ben stood up and rubbed his hands together, "So do you want to get your things in my place or what?" He grabbed one of Danny's bags and they left, chatting about the band.

"Bye to you, too, wankers," I said, finishing off the wine.

I fell asleep on the couch watching TV and Ben woke me up. "Hey, we're going down to the bar. wanna come?"

"We're not old enough to by drinks," I said, rolling over and preparing to go back to sleep.

"Danny contacted the guys from his college and we're all meeting up. Then we're gonna snag the heavy metal drummer from that local band that plays there. You know, the one that fucking kills double bass?"

I tried to wave him off, but he wouldn't go away. I didn't want to go to the bar I tended at on a night I wasn't working. He tried to lift me off the couch but failed. I rolled over and looked at him with a laugh, "Benny, you have the figure of a nine year old girl. What are you even trying to accomplish?"

"I'm gonna cock-slap you if you don't get up," He said, crossing his arms. I gave him a look and he uttered, "Fucking try me, Lauren." I laid there for a moment more and he started undoing his belt.

I sprung up and headed for the door. "Woo, let's go to the bar!"

When we got there, we played pool for a bit until the others showed up. They were just like Danny and Ben. Long hair and tight clothes. Just what I needed, another set of boys that were more feminine than I was. They walked up and smiled, "Ey, Worsnop! It's been a while!"

"MAte, this is my little sister and her friend Ben."

"Lauren," I greeted, shaking the shorter one's hand.

"Sam," He nodded.

"Cameron," The other guy told me.

Ben gleamed, "So you guys are all up for this band thing?" They nodded. "Now I've just gotta get that drummer on my side and we're set. Come with me Lauren."

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the stage, where a band with an awful vocalist was playing. They played there a lot, actually, but I usually blocked them out because it sounded like the guy was choking into the microphone. The drummer, though, he had talent. Ben asked, "What's his name?"

"I believe it's James," I shrugged. When their amateur set was done, Ben called him over.

"James, right?" Ben confirmed, and he nodded. He was more built than the other guys, but still had that high-maintenance hair. Ben nodded, "You've got real talent. It's heavy, but it's good."

"hanks," James nodded, probably confused on why we were talking to him.

Ben cut to the chase, "How's about you join my band? We need a drummer, and you'd be perfect."

James chuckled, "If you hadn't noticed, I'm already in  band."

"Yeah, and you're gonna get nowhere with that vocalist," I blurted out.

I thought he was going to be offended, but he simply shrugged, "You'r right. What's your names?"

"I'm Ben, that's Lauren," Ben said, shaking his hand. "My band is by the pool table, and hopefully you'll be over there soon, too?"

"W'll see, mate." James said. "How about I give you a call?"

Ben jotted down his number on a napkin from a nearby table and James stuck it in his pocket. "Looking forward to hearing from you."

James walked back to his drums and nodded, "I'll keep in touch."

We went back to the pool table, and Danny and I smoked Sam and Cam in a game. Ben flirted with the bartender-- and being as cute as he is-- got us all free shots. As soon as the free shots were started being slammed down, James approached us. His band obviously never got free shots, because he waved a hand at the stage, "Who needs those twats. What's your band's name?"

"Asking Alexandria," Ben nodded in triumph. He had just put a band together in a day.

After we got as many drinks out of the bartender as we could, she kicked us out. We all headed to my place, because thanks to that homeless guy and my paycheck, I was loaded. We were throwing back whiskey and watching South Park,all piled on my living room floor. I wasn't sure why none of us used the couches, but I was getting too hammered to think about it.

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