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"How was school?" my mother asked while I sneaked into her office when no one is looking. "It was weird" I answered honestly. My mother waved for me to talk more before my phone rang signalling a text message. "Healing appointing at Laboratory 5pm" Mr Damien, our head butler since before I was born texted me.

"Oh yeah...It's Wednesday" I said upon realising, frightened by the thought of "healing". "It's "IT" today right?" my mother glanced up at me waiting for my reaction and I nodded.

She was about to stand up and throw herself at me into an embrace, but I pulled back immediately. It will be terrible for her to see my wrist in this state. I quickly reached for the door and my mother spoke gently "Should I join you?" I shook my head immediately and gestured for her to continue her work and left.

I shuffled nervously at my feet. Still in my dull brown lenses, I waited at the entrance of the lab.

A warm arm envelope me from behind hugging me tightly and without turning around, I knew he is father. "Don't be afraid" he mumbled lightly.

I felt tears drop but I smiled through and said, "Thank you for coming, father."

He patted my head before opening the gate of the lab as we enter together.

All the top elites are here.

The alpha and luna. Dr Dominic Williams, Dr Barbara Williams.

The highest grade witch, Dr Daphne Sandra.

The vampire king and queen. Dr Jarad Martin and Dr Jessie Martin.

They exchange a few sentences before ushering me to the chair at the centre of the lab. I placed my bag aside and sighed. I stood there not moving, waiting for instructions like I usually would, and soon after Barbara spoke. "Are you ready?"

"I can't" My voice trembled. I genuinely felt drained. School was tiring and I just wasn't ready to do it. The mumbles in the lab became quiet and everyone focused their attention on me. "I felt that it wouldn't work today, I'm really tired and I felt something different today" I whispered.

Daphne came closer and place some instruments on the back of my head and neck identifying some readings. I simply sat and obeyed the instructions as requested. "You're fine, my dear" Daphne reassured after a beep from the machine indication for my condition being ideal. Fancy how society works, where machines rule beyond the words of a living.

"Am I?" I questioned. Everyone smiled reassuring me. I nodded and gave my approval afterwards and Daphne proceed with the injection to the back of my neck. It was then I decided to take my lenses off to kickstart IT.

"Who is that?" Zoe, my puppet demanded. "Why did you do that?" Mel, my werewolf growled. As a tribrid, both my puppet and werewolf have a mind of their own too.

"What are they talking about?" Dominic asked confused at the situation. Likewise, the lab was filled with tension soon after, waiting for my answer. My father coughs at the background drawing my attention, "I'm not sure" I replied quickly.

Jared came over and took Zoe and lay it on his palms. "What are you anxious about?" He asked Zoe. Zoe turned to glare at me.

"I'm not sure actually, I just met someone interesting but I shoved him by accident because he was too close" I stated really confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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