Chapter 29 Beta Max

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As the taller man pulls his gun out of his suit pocket.I quickly stand up kick the guy that was standing in front of me in the balls .Which sent him groaning to the ground.I went straight for the guy that had the gun and jumped on his back sending him flying forward.

"KATE "Lucy screamed

"GET IN THE HOUSE   "I screamed back at her.My hair was grabbed and i was dragged back.My hair felt like it was being pulled out one by one.I swung around and kicked the guy in the guts.This forced him to let me go,i turned around only to be punched in the face which felt like a rock smashing against it .It sent me flying to the ground.

I felt 2 rather large hands around my Ankle and pull me closer towards one of them.He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head.

"Stop struggling "He demanded his voice had authority in it a lot of authority.However he was definitely no Alpha im guessing beta.

"Who are you?? what do you want ??"I screamed at him.

"Your brothers are going to pay for what they have done and since we can get to them we came to you"

I started struggling against his strong weight.Sky was ready to pounce when.

"Give her the wolfs bane i cant have her shifting "He ordered one of the 2 men that were standing.


"NOOO" I screamed i thrashed around until i finally landed a good solid punch into the mans face.The others where too busy trying to help the man up they didn't worry about me.I ran straight for the house .Before i could make it to the front steps i was grabbed roughly by the waste and something was stabbed into my shoulder.I felt a cold substance being pushed through my blood.

"AGAHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHH"I screamed.My vision started going fuzzy.

Kate hold on do you here me hold on Tobasis is coming Kate Hold on "Sky screamed at me.

"KATE are you ok whats going on ??"Lucy screamed through the mind link

"Kate can you hear me "Lucy said through an open mind link.

I tried to mind link but the words wouldn't go through.

"CASEY HURRY WE CANT GET TO HER "Lucy screamed at her mate.

"Lucy hold on we are almost there"

"Casey Hurry it doesn't look good they injected her with something"

"Lucy dont leave the kids okay "Casey yelled

"Im not going to let them kill Kate Casey"Lucy yelled

"We both know if they get either of those kids or you Kate will do whatever they want to keep them safe,They wont kill her Lucy just stay in the house and protect Kate's and ours Pups."

I smiled at this Casey Knew i would do everything they asked me do if they had my brother,Sister or Pup.I felt somebody grab my hips and lift me up off the ground.I couldn't feel anything in my body it felt like everything had died,I couldn't feel my body ,I felt like i was a feather that had nothing.

I heard my puppy whinning.No no not Zoe .SHIT.


"Lucy hold on okay baby i will get her back"Casey said

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