Chapter Two √

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  • Dedicated to Grandmas everywhere acuse they're cool

~Chapter Two~

"So, how was school?" Daniel, my older brother, asked when I slipped into the passanger seat of his car after the final bell had rung.

"Boring as usual..." I replied, not really wanting to talk. I'd avoided Decker, Lewis, and Hannah for the rest of the day so I didn't have to regale what happend at lunch over and over again. I was praying Danny hadn't heard about it although I was sure he had.

"Why did Kev have his arm around you at lunch?" Danny asked. My heart deflated a little but I wasn't surprised. Danny had eyes and ears everywhere.

"Because he's an arse fart." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. Maybe he'd get the hint and drop the subject.

"What kind of an insult is that?" he asked, barely restraining his laughter.

"It was the only one I could think of that wouldn't be too mean! I don't understand why I have to be nice to him just because he's your friend. He's always a little creeper to me and I can't even call him a good name. You aren't nice to my friends."

"What do you mean he's a 'little creeper' to you." Shit! I said too much! I looked straight ahead and acted as if I heard nothing from Danny's side of the car. "Lee! What aren't you telling me?" I remained perfectly silent. "Natalee Lucinda Jones!"

Ooooh, full name usage. That meant Danny was serious and if I didn't say anything he'd stop the car...

"I'll spill, just please don't go big brother protective mode!!!" He sighed and I took that as confirmation. "It's not like he's tried anything really but he's always wanting me to go out with him and like 'EW'. He thinks he's God's gift to women and he seems to think that 'Piss off' means 'Come pull my head into your armpit'..." Daniel's hands were tight on the steering wheel and I knew that this meant trouble. There was a reason I'd never been on a date, had a boyfriend, or had made my first kiss and it wasn't my natural aversion to most males. Actually there were two reasons. Both started with the letter 'D'. Daniel and Dad!

"Well would you look at that! We're home!" I said trying to ease the tension that had settled over us like a thick blanket.

"Lee, I'll talk to him." I went to tell him to not bother but he held up his hand. "I won't go crazy big brother protective mode on him but I will lay down the guide lines."

"Thanks, Danny."

I got out of the car and Danny pulled back out, probably to go and talk with Kevin face to face. I waved as he drove away and then turned to go into our house.

I've been living in this house since I was four, I was at a group home before that. The Jones's adopted me and I'd been apart of their family ever since.

I didn't have a name when I was at the group home. I was always 'girly'. I still hear echoes of the caretaker's voice sometimes.

"Hey, girly, get me something to drink!" "Girly, didn't get adopted yet? I knew no one would ever want you!"

It wasn't a pleasant time at the group home. When I was adopted I finally got a name. Natalee Lucinda Jones, Lee for short, and it was a name I was proud to carry.

I went into our three story log home and hung my jacket and backpack on their pegs before kicking of my plain black converse and heading into the kitchen. Dad was at the stove with Mum and they were cooking something that smelled AWESOME!

"Hey, kiddo. Where's your brother?" Dad asked without turning around.

"He was going to Kevin's house I think..."

"Do you know when he'll be back? It's taco night." Mum said, turning to give me a smile.

"Mmm tacos." I said, a dreamy look on my face. I love me some tacos.

"Do you have any homework?" My father asked knowingly.

"If I say no does that mean I don't have to do it?" I asked hopefully.

"Nope. Sit down here at the table and we'll help you. What subject is it?"

"Algebra, World History, and Ag. Seriously Mrs.Hunter gave me Ag homework. We never have homework in Ag! It's like a rule or something!" I said, pissed off. In my two years this was the first homework assignment we'd ever been given in Wildlife. It's just stupid. We take Ag because it's easy and there's no homework!

"Stop complaining and go get your homework." Mum said, trying her hardest to sound stern.

"Ugh. Fine," I sighed, trudging back into the hall to grab my backpack.  I went back into the kitchen then and dropped my backpack onto the table.

I pulled out my books and notes and spread them out over the entire table. I started in on my algebra and within minutes I had Dad standing over my shoulder telling me how everything was done. I copied his instructions and in the underside of a half hour we had one subject done and the tacos were ready.

"Should I call, Danny?" I asked both of them as we set the table for dinner.

"If you want to. You don't have to." Mum said with a smile. She knew I would.

"But that means less tacos for me." Dad fake pouted.

"I'm sure you'll live, Dad." He patted his stomach and looked forlorn down at it. Mum and I both laughed at him.

I moved to the wall phone and dialed Daniel's cell phone number. It rang and I twirled the cord around my fingers.

"Hello?" Danny's familiar voice finally answered when I was about ready to hang up.

"Hey, it's taco night and if you want any you better get home quick. What's taking you so long anyways?" I whispered the last part, not wanting the parentals to overhear.

"I had to stop for gas... I'm on my way. I'll be there in a few."

"Okay. You didn't go crazy on him did you?"

"I said I wouldn't. I'll see you soon."

"Yeah bye." I hung the phone up on the reciever and walked over to the table. I pushed a few spare papers into my backpack and tossed it in the corner. "He's coming, he'll be here in a few minutes he said."

"Okay," Mum said. "Can you bring the lettuce and tomatoes?"

I nodded in confirmation and picked up the bowls from the island in the middle of the kitchen. I set them both on the table and then moved to the cupboards and grabbed four glasses.

"Grab another glass, Lee." Dad said when he saw what I was doing.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?" Just then the doorbell rang cutting off his reply. I set the glasses down on the marble countertop and made my way to the front door. A smiling face could be seen through the glass window. "GRANDMA!" I squealed, yanking the door open and enveloping her in a giant hug.


So I'm going to end it there because I can. I know I said I'd try and upload earlier but well I went to bed at 3 because I was sleepy and I could hardly keep my eyes open... Mum didn't know though so it's all good! So thoughts? I like feedback and comments. Even it's a completely unrelated comment it would make me smile.  ^_^ Thanks a bunch for just reading though ;)

Random thought: I made some very nom-worthy chocolate chip cookies today


 Roughly Edited.

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