15: Snakes in the Grass

Start from the beginning

She drew a shaky breath, then turned the page. As she read further, her jaw dropped.

She would be stealing this book. It would be better used in the hands of the Jackdaw. She couldn't wait until she showed this to Kenway. Little did he know that he was traveling on currents that would make him richer than a dozen of the Observatories.

With the book in hand, Anna walked outside. By now, a thick, starless nightfall had descended down upon the deserted streets.

Anna's boots thumped against the docks as she made her way back through the moonlit docks to the Jackdaw.

Peering into the distance, she noticed the shadow of a very suspicious looking man lurking around the Jackdaw. His face was shrouded by the shadows, and they only thing Anna could tell about him was that he was clad in a black, hooded coat.

Anna quickly hid behind a barrel and watched the hooded mystery man. He looked around cautiously to make sure the the dock was deserting before boarding the Jackdaw. This lurker was a member of the crew.

Anna's nails dug into her skin in fury as her dreaded suspicious came true; they had a mole.

How dare someone try to sabotage the Jackdaw..

This hooded man had to be the spy. There was no reason to leave the Jackdaw, and Adawalè had warned the crew all day to stay below deck.

Anna couldn't see the face of the perpetrator. It could be Adawalè for  all she knew.

The anger inside of her caused her to slam her fist against the crates she his behind.

Anna had been through utter betrayal once before. She would not lose another family to another cowardly Judas.
After two years, she was still living under the consequenses of the last rat who exploited the theive's guild.

For Anna, the stakes couldn't have been higher. She would find who this snake was if it was her last act before she reached Hell.

She jogged quietly into the Jackdaw, scanning the men having a drunken party in the hull, and further below deck.

The coated man had vanished like a ghost, and was nowhere to be seen. She began to search the whole ship for that cloak.

Anna jumped out of her skin at the sudden distraction, and turned to see Russell behind her.

"Care to play Liar's Dice with me?"
He asked hopefully.

Anna absentmindedly turned back around and kept walking,

"No. I'm busy."
She dismissed.

Russell whined,
"Oh come on, lass! Be a s-"

"Just go find someone else!"
Anna said, slightly annoyed.

Before she could walk away, Russell moved to stand in her way. A serious look suddenly clouded his cold, grey eyes, and he looked at her suspiciously,

"Where have you been all day?"
He asked as he put his hands on his hips.

He's blocking my search.. what if he's the mole?

Anna stepped closer to Russell and bravely stood him down,

"Ive been making sure the ship stays provisioned for you lazy asses. Where have you been all day?"
She snapped.

Russell stared back at Anna blankly. Her sudden short temper obviously caught him off his guard.

Anna shook her head and walked around him towards the men's sleeping chambers.

Aboard the Jackdaw: Under Edward Kenway And The Black FlagWhere stories live. Discover now