Chapter 10: Part 1

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Third Person P.O.V
Amber slowly opens her eyes and looks at Sky instantly. He is looking at his arm. She looks at it and sees the Blight Curse is back. It spreads and he grabs his arm and grits his teeth. Amber eyes look at the ground. She hates see him in so much pain. She can't do anything to help him, actually she can.

"Do you need Purification Water Sky?" Amber asks quietly. Sky didn't even noticed she woke up. His eyes look at Amber. She sits up.

"Y-Yeah." Sky said wearily. Amber stands up and walks to Sky. She puts her hand on Sky's forehead. She frowns.

"Well you have a fever." Amber said. Sky looks at his arm as Amber takes her hand off.

"It's looks horrible Sky. You should tell Se-"

"No. I know I'm sick Amber. Blight Curse is weakening me. It's make me more of a target to sickness." Sky said. Amber crouches down.

"Okay. So that just means your dying? It's killing you?" Amber asks.

"Slowly. Painfully. Y-Yes." Sky said. It spreads again and this time Sky nearly faints but Amber grabs him.

"Sky. Lay down on the couch. I will help you walk. I'll get Purification Water." Amber said. Sky doesn't really have a choice. She puts his unhurt arm around her shoulders. She stands up pulling him to his feet. They walk to the couch with Sky holding his Blighted arm close to his chest. Amber lays him down on the couch. She puts her hand on his forehead again and still feels the fever under her fingers.

"Cold wet towel. Purification Water." Amber said. The door opens and Amber pulls Sky's sleeve down. A nurse comes in. She stops once she sees Sky. Sky's eyes are closed and Amber looks at the Nurse.

"I know he shouldn't be here. But he woke up and came here. He has a fever." Amber said. The nurse hesitates and walks to Sky. She puts her hand on his forehead.

"Yeah he does. It would be better for him to be on a bed then a couch but doesn't matter. I will tell the doctor." The Nurse said. She leaves. Amber bites back her bottom lip again. Her eyes trail up Sky's body before she comes to her senses.

'No. No. Stop. He's the Leader. Your boss for gods sake. Besides I doubt he would trust another girl in his heart with all the lucky he had with love in the past. But why am I keeping Sky's secret for him? I should really tell Seto. Sky is sick because of the curses exposure. But something about how he was telling me not to talk got through me. He was really begging for me not to tell. Yet look at where he is because I kept his secret.' Amber thinks to herself. The doctor comes in. He walks to Sky.

"Influenza. That hits Sky like the plague. He never has anything else expect for a fever or an physically injury." The Doctor said. He looks at his clipboard.

"Doesn't Sky seem weak?" Amber asks.

"I never thought 'Sky' and 'weak' would be used in the same sentence before. But yeah. He looks pale and he's shivering." Doctor said. Amber looks closer at Sky. She didn't notice Sky shivering but now she does.

"What do we do?" Amber asks looking at the doctor. He signs.

"I'm out if medicine for the Flu, Amber. I will get help so they can take Sky to his bedroom. He needs rest, Amber. Lots of it. So he can't leave his room no matter what. If he is weak, then he is at a greater risk for a new virus to sneak in. But since he has no open wounds...that I know of....showing. Put a cold wet towel on his forehead. He should be better in a couple of days and I will have a nurse check on him ever so often." Doctor said. Amber nods.
Mitch's eyes are glued to the ground like usually. Jerome is sitting on his bed and they have been talking. Mitch feels a sharp instinct hit him. He instantly knows what it is. He had hope this would never happen.

"She's in this dimension." Mitch said.

"Who?" Jerome asks quickly.

"Raven." Mitch said with the feeling of guilt hitting him. He can sense her closing in on...on Seto.

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