There are bookshelves all the way around the office. The shelves go from the floor to the ceiling and are all completely filled with books. Some books look like they've never seen another home, while others definitely look out of place. My eyes keep stopping on one book in particular. It is exceptionally wide and the binding looks like it came from a tree. It has these gold carvings on the spin of the book, kind of similar to the door.

"Some of these books have been here for hundreds of years." His voice startled me and brought me back to reality and what I was really here for.

"Yeah they sure do look like it," I say in awe.

"Charlotte, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about in private?" He asks.

"Oh, right. That. Well it's kind of a long story actually."

"Well I've got nothing but time," He jokingly says.

I awkwardly laugh. "Okay, well ever since the accident I have been having the same dream every night. It never changes and it always happens..." I pause waiting to see his reaction. Nothing, he just sits there rubbing his chin, thinking.

"Mhm...Tell me about this dream."

So I tell him every single detail of the dream. Of the girl, the necklace, and the pain that radiates off of her. I wait in anticipation to see if he'll say anything, but there are no words. He is sitting so still, his face so stern.

"And that's not all...the feels more like a memory." I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

His brow furrows for a moment and then he gets up. He starts pacing back and forth down the length of his office. His age showing more and more with each step. I wish I could see what he was thinking; it sure would make my heart race less; or would it? He finally stops and takes a key out of his pocket. He opens up a drawer in his desk and pulls out a book. It looks more like a journal. I never picture Father Mulligan the journal keeping type. He flips through a bunch of pages and then suddenly stops somewhere in the middle. He gets up and starts pacing back and forth.

"No, no, no, no," He mutters.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask uneasily. He slams the book shut and looks back at me. His expression changes again, it's back to its usual neutral state.

"No of course not. Nothing is wrong," He says with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I ask, caution beckoning in my voice.

"Yes I am positive my dear Charlotte but I do regret to say that it is time you go. I do wish we could stay and talk but there are things I must tend to before Mass," He says, clearly avoiding the truth. He starts gently pushing me to the door. "It was very nice talking to you Charlotte, and as for that dream, don't worry about it, it will pass in time. But I'm afraid you must go."

"...Okay." I don't really know what to say. He just got weird all of a sudden, like he's hiding something from me.

He starts pushing me again towards the door and I start to leave but turn back at the last moment and look at him as he goes to sit down. I don't know what's going to happen next, but I am going to find out the truth.

"This can't happen again" I hear him whisper.

"What can't happen again?" Panic surging through my voice; I'm getting scared now. "What do you mean Father Mulligan? Is something wrong with me?" I almost shout at him and his head snaps up. He briskly walks over to me and firmly places his hands on my shoulders.

He looks frustrated that I overheard him muttering, "Whatever you do, forget about the dreams. Nothing good will come of them," He warns.

"Why? I don't understand!"

"You have to listen to me!" He is making me extremely nervous. I've never seen him talk like this before. "There are things, things far beyond you and I. Things that are dangerous. If you give in to the dream then you give in to them! Charlotte, you have to promise me that you won't pursue that girl, promise me!" He is now shouting at me, like he's scared of something.

"I don't understand Father Mulligan! What will happen?"

"This has happened before my child. It did not end well. She gave in to her dream and then she was no longer with us." There is so much sadness in his eyes.

"She died? How?"

"Yes, she died. As for how, no one understands." He sits down and slumps into his chair. He rubs his hand on his face. His voice drops, "Charlotte, trust me. There are many paths worth taking in life; but there are also some that should be left unearthed."

I stand there, shocked, unable to move. I don't know what just happened here. "I just want to understand," I say.

"Please Charlotte, promise me that you will forget about this and live your life." I can see how much he fears for my safety in his eyes, he's pleading for me to just forget about this.

"I just don't know how I can forget about it. I mean, I dream about it every night."

"You're strong Charlotte, stronger than anyone I know. You will be able to put this out of your mind. Trust me." He wants more than anything for me to just agree, but how can I? This dream has been haunting me for weeks; I just can't let it go. But I know what I must do.

"I promise. I will try and get this out of my mind." With my words, he relaxes, and a small smile appears.

"I'm glad. This is the right thing to do." The tension seems to lift off of his shoulders. He gets up and comes over to me; I didn't realize that I have been frozen in the same place this whole time. "This is the right decision, and you will see that someday. But for now I think it's time you head home, I need to get some things done before afternoon Mass."

"Yeah, you're right. Brooke's probably getting impatient waiting for me to get back," I smile as I say that and he smiles back.

I start to leave but turn back the last moment and look at him as he goes to sit down. We both know what's really going to happen.

I'm not going to give up.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think! I'm hoping this chapter gets the blood pumping, let me know if it did! Please comment and/or vote :)

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