Campfire Lovers

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Marcy's POV/

I am glad ____ asked me to go to on an adventure with her... well I mean, she didn't just ask me but y'know, whatever. I didn't really have time to think about this either, but I was always up for an adventure and actually, before ____ started living at my house I actually rarely stayed indoors. I wouldn't leave her there alone... because she might make a mess or something. Yeah. Finn and Jake seemed pumped too. ____ and Finn were walking together in front of Jake and I, since of course she didn't know the way. Jake leaned over and whispered to me."You sure it's a  good idea to take ____ to the Ice King? I mean, no one likes that old frump anyways."

"Sure, he's my friend so I want him to be ____'s friend too."Jake just continues walking, obviously not approving. I know he just didn't want to see the Ice King. He found him pretty annoying...

We finally arrived at the Ice Kingdom. Naturally, Ice King sensed us and greeted us.

"Oh heyyyyyy guyss!"he said in his usual over friendly tone.

Jake and Finn just replied "Yeah...." 

"Oh who's this, Marcy?"

"This is ____. My friend. We're out adventuring because she wanted to see Ooo, and we thought it would be cool for her to see the Ice Kingdom." ___ nodded quietly, too taken away by the beautiful snow and ice castle in the distance.

After talking for a while, and being shown around by Ice King, we decided it would be best to set up our tents somewhere we wouldn't get hypothermia or something. We stopped in a forest. It was surprisingly empty, apart from a few squirrels and other cute little critters. The tents were set up very easily and quickly but it was quickly night, and we set up a fire. Crackling fire, chirping crickets and slight wind was all that could be heard. We wanted to talk, but decided to take advantage of the beautiful sounds of Nature. Not very surprisingly, Finn and Jake bought Marsh mellows with them, and we all chowed down, if that's the right verb to use.

Hours must have passed before we decided to get some sleep, ____ in a tent with me, and Finn in one with Jake. We all brushed our teeth and got changed in our tents and lay down in silence.

"Marcy....?" ____ whispered besides me.


"Thank you.... for making this happen".

I looked at her quickly, and then looked back up at the roof of the tent. "Your welcome....", and before I knew it we were both asleep.

Finn's POV/

Suddenly, I woke up for no reason. Maybe I just wasn't tired. I didn't know what time it was, but it was still dark and Jake was fast asleep. I crawled out the tent silently and sat outside the tent that the girls were sharing. I called on ____, quietly, trying not to wake anyone else up. It was a matter of seconds before she zipped open the tent. 

"Finn?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Did I wake you?".

"Well, I was only about to sleep, so technically not." She crawled out and we sat by the fire which was now burnt out.

"So, how do you like the adventure so far?" I asked her. 

"It's great. I've been so trapped I could never even guess that Ooo is this beautiful, and I've not even seen it all yet." She sounded so taken away but there was a slight melancholy feeling to her that I couldn't quite understand. She looked so beautiful as she pondered in the wind. We were all alone, together. I could feel the Universe circling around us. I decided now was a better time than ever to make my move. 

"But, it's still not as beautiful as you." She blushed and almost fell off the log she was sitting on. I think that was the last thing that she was expecting me to say. She started laughing quietly but that soon faded away. "No, really." I reassured her.

"Well, thank you." 

"Errrm... wanna go out?"

She looked at me again. It was an painfully long couple of seconds for her to think properly. Slowly, she nodded, almost like she didn't know what she was doing. Half in surprise and half in relief, I jumped up. 

"What do we do now we're out?". I guess she really never had a boyfriend before.

"Well... we can be sweet and romantic to each other and go places alone and make out and stuff." 


We both felt a bit helpless because neither of us had that much experience.

"Have you ever even kissed anyone before, ever?" I asked, expecting the answer to be no.

She looked down, and thought hard once again, before shaking her head. I thought not.

A/N- Finn and ____? I wonder what Marceline will say! I finally have an idea of what the main points in my story are going to be, so I will be finding it easier to have ideas for chapters. Also, sorry for future reference if romantic stuff is kinda weirdly written, I'm kinda crap when it comes to love and that shit. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter, because I'm busy procrastinating right now and am meant to be revising and shit. I may write the next chapter soon but I'm hoping we can reach 400 votes on this story before that happens, I think I have 384 right now???? Please comment :)))

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