chapter twenty // hard feelings.

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Mia's POV

Guilt continues to pick at my insides after a long night of confusion. I try to focus on the delicious breakfast Tyler picked up for us, but it was no use.

Why is Louis so angry at everyone? That look he gave me last night before storming away into his dressing room was like a slap to the face. The boys told me it probably wasn't anything I do because he was pissed at them as well.

Why wouldn't he talk to me about it? I trust him with anything on my mind...

"So nobody has seen Louis since after the show last night?" Tyler rubs his temples as he paces around the tour bus.

"Correct, he said he was going out," Harry answers, not looking too happy at the moment either.

Tyler continues to curse profusely and calls the bodyguards he sent out looking for him to see if they've found anything.

Is whatever Louis is mad about worth getting into all this trouble? He knows how Tyler is... And what if he's hurt somewhere? His phone is off, so there's no way to even try to get a hold of him. This is definitely out of character of him.

Unable to finish my food, I push my plate away and pull my knees to my chest, trying to wrack my brain with ideas where he could be.

"Mia, Louis is a big boy. I'm sure he's fine," Harry leans over and pats me on the head, giving me an optimistic smile.

Not getting convinced, I simply nod, keeping my eyes glued to the floor in concentration.

Then we all hear a loud knock on the door of the tour bus. Tyler jumps out of his seat and practically races over to the door, peeking out the window first to be sure it's not a fan.

"Oh thank god," He sighs, causing a wave of relief to crash over me.

The boys all let out sighs and roll their eyes as if it were something that just happened. I relax once again, reaching out to finish my breakfast in peace now.

"Sorry Tyler, I should have called," Louis' voice echoes through the bus.

I look up to see the messy-haired blue eyed boy, hoping that whatever he was so worked up about last night is over.

I can't help but to drop my fork onto the table with the sight I do see in front of me. Standing beside Louis, with his arm wrapped tightly around her waist is some girl. She's dressed in clothes much too small for her curvy frame. She's pretty, in that lots-of-makeup kind of way.

Nobody can say a single word, all we do is stare at the two of them. My mouth sits wide open, I don't even try to hide my surprise.

"This is Heidi, everyone," Louis introduces us to the curly-haired brunette that's wearing an incredibly fake smile.

So this is where Louis was. While the rest of us were worrying about his safety and his sanity, he was out screwing some random girl? That definitely doesn't seem like him.

"Hi Heidi," Liam speaks first, breaking the awkward silence.

The others all wave and smile at her, putting on smiles just as fake as hers. I don't even try to be nice to her, what's the use? I'm sure she's going to be here for a few hours then Louis and her will go their separate ways.

"You know the band," Louis says, gesturing to the boys, "And this is Mia, she's part of our crew," He says, not quite looking me in the eye.

Heidi gives me the nastiest look in the entire world. She looks at me from head to toe, scrutinizing my every feature. I just counter back with a nasty glare, earning an elbow to the side from Harry for being rude.

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