"About 5 would be fine"

"Great. I'll see you then"

Regina hung up and turned to Robin.

"That was Snow. Apparently Neal wants to spend some time with Henry this evening"

"That's nice. Henry's is good with him"

"Yes he is. He always wanted a little brother"

"Really? Have you ever thought about having children of your own?"

Regina face instantly turned into sadness and looked down. She couldn't stop herself from thinking back to when she cursed herself with that drink. She wanted more than anything to have children than anything, but it would just never happen. Not that Henry wasn't enough. Henry was more than enough. Just the thought of having a little girl, running around, sharing the genes between her and—

"Regina?", Robin said interrupting the brunette's train of thoughts. Regina shook her head and blinked a few times before answering.

"Hhmm? What?"

Robin suddenly seemed concerned.

"Regina, are you alright?"

Regina nodded and smiled.

"I'm fine. I just don't feel so good right now"

"Maybe it's the sickness coming back?"

Regina wanted to laugh of how naive the man was.

"Maybe. I just need some time to get better"

"Alright. I will go now. I need to see my daughter now", he said as He stood from the couch and walked to the dining room.

"Of course. Say hello to Z from me", Regina said following the man.

Robin laughed and nodded and stopped as he came to the front door.

"I'll see you soon", he said and leaned in to kiss her and Regina smiled into the kiss before saying goodbye and closing the door behind the man. When she had closed the door, she firmly leaned her head against the door and sighed deeply.

I need to tell him

She was brought from her thoughts as she heard a text message being received. She instantly knew who is was and walked to the living room where he phone laid on the table. She opened the text message and read it.

What's the matter Madame Mayor? Feeling guilty?

Regina frowned and walked out of her living room and opened the front door and stepped out on her porch without her jacket on despite the winter cold. She looked around and sighed before she heard a mother text message pop up. She unlocked her phone and read it.

It will not be that easy, beautiful

What do you want?

I simply want to give you a Christmas to remember

Regina immediately thought of Emma as she read the text. Emma had said the same thing to her as she explained why she did Henry's advent Christmas. Suddenly everything clicked for Regina and before she knew it, she had called Emma on the phone.

"Emma Swan"

"My place. 6pm. Don't be late", Regina said and hung up. Emma sat in her living room with a phone in her right hand and a beer in her left, completely shocked by the call. She turned to the her other phone. She looked at her latest text and cursed.

Emma ran inside granny's to find Granny but no Ruby.


Merry Christmas (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now