Chapter I

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~Alex's POV~

I live in an orphanage, as I have since I was 6. I am now 14. I have been alone until 3 years ago, when I met someone who would turn into my only friend. Her name was Nikita. I remember the day she came into my room and the first words she said to me; "I'm your friend, not your love girl, let's get that strai... HOLY CRAP YOU LOVE MCR TOO!"
"You don't love them as much as me."
"Prove it..."
"Gerard's birthday?"
"April 9th 1977. Frank Iero's hometown?"
"Belleville, New Jersey. These are too easy. Total number of MCR album songs divided by the amount of albums?"
"Um... 10.6?"
"Ha! I win! It's 12.5!"
"Damn. You know what I want to do one day? Stroke Gerard Way's nose. I mean, it looks so, magical. Like he sneezes rainbow snot."
"You are a bit odd. I'm interested." I looked at the new girl, then I gave her some money to go to the shop. I told her what I needed and told her to keep the change for herself. As soon as she left, I pulled the box from under my bed out and grabbed some navy blue wallpaper, an assortment of posters and a Welcome To The Black Parade album cover bedsheet and pillow case. I started tearing down the old wallpaper from my last roommate's half of the room and used the navy blue to blend in with my side of the bedroom. After putting the posters up and changing the bed sheet the room looked done. But the carpet was white, it needs to be black. So i got some spray paint and fixed up the room. It looked perfect. Just as the paint dried, new girl came back. "Hey, I never got your name, what is it?" I blasted her with a question as soon as she walked in. "Nikita, you?"
"Alex. Call me Alexander and you will regret it." I showed her a pen knife before putting it away.
"What's that knife for?" I didn't answer with words, just showed her a little wood structure of Gerard Way. I kept pulling them out to show her, and I ended up with the entirety of MCR, Avenged Sevenfold and a bit more randomly, Elvis Presley. She was confused, but relieved as well. "I'm not a cutter... Anymore anyways."
~Flashback Over~
"Hey Kita, pass me a Pepsi Max Cherry."
"You have a fucking problem!" She said, throwing over a bottle.
"I do not!"
"You have a bin labelled PMC bottles, which is full after about a day and a half!"
"No calories, no problem."
"Do you want to go get some ACTUAL food? Like tuna? You want some tuna bud?"
"Just because I'm a neko doesn't mean you have to make fun of me. Dick."
"Fine let's go."
We went down the six flights of stairs we had to, and when we got to the bottom I heard concealed deep breaths. "You are so unfit."
"Excuse me for not being part cat-therefore-stairs-are-easy-as-shit." I growled at her as we got to leave, I sorted my hair so it would conceal my ears, that way I don't have to wear a hat - I have hat hair. We walked the few blocks it is to the shop, where we looked around for food. I got a bag of M'n'Ms because I am healthy. And then Nikita got normal crap and a six pack of Monster. "Let's PARTAY MUTHAFUCKA!!" I yelled, a bit too loudly because the shopkeeper kicked us out, we got our stuff for free though! I was just looking through the news on my phone and then I screamed. At the top of my voice. Then dropped my phone causing the screen to smash. And then I started jumping around. And then ran back to the orphanage to get ready. Kita must have tried to catch up because she came with a smashed phone and no breath. "What.. The... Fu... What the fuck?" I couldn't stop smiling as I explained.
"I shall quote you the article: 'Jeremy Corbyn's position as Labour leader is unsteady.'"
"You may want to sit down..." As she did. "My Chemical Romance are back!!! They are planning a big UK tour!!!!!"
"That's not the best part. 'The five will be going to London Central Orphanage to adopt a child, as they have declared that a band child would be a big step but will fit in nicely'."
"That makes no sense."
"Who gives a crap?? Get beautiful, or as beautiful as you can be, you weird shit, because they're coming today!!!" We started bustling around the room, applying eyeliner and decent clothes to make us look fabulous for MCR. I don't care how, I will be adopted, no matter what.

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