Showing Hagrid

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It just stood there, looking at her. Big, wide eyes staring up into hers. It's skin looked silky smooth and was bright and golden. It stood up on two legs, with two others that act as arms which were at its chest sorta like a squirrel. It was small, only about the size of Luna's foot standing up.

"Hello," Luna said softly. She couldn't believe she was staring into the eyes of an actual nargle. She had always known them as being full of mischief, but now she sat here, looking at a very cute, almost pathetic creature.

Then, the nargle suddenly smiled a bit and then jumped into the pocket of Luna's coat. "Oh, hello!" Luna said to it, a bit frightened by its sudden movement. It then popped it's head out to look at her. That's when Luna got an idea.

"Would you like to come back to the school with me? You could be my pet," she asked the creature. It then popped it head back into her pocket in response. Luna smiled to herself and slowly got up, being careful of the nargle in her pocket, and started walking back towards Hogwarts.

Luna knew she would be able to take care of the nargle. She had been reading a lot about them since the first day she saw one and wanted to start doing research. There wasn't much in the books since none had ever actually been  recorded for real. There were a lot of theories in the books about what it might look like and what it might like, but Luna realized, there was actually very little fact in these books.

She finally got back to the school, and before she went to her dorm, she decided to go see Hargrid and to show him her new pet nargle.

"Ah, hello, Luna! Got anymore information on that creature that ya found?"

"Actually, I have the real thing here for you to see," Luna told him as she slowly took the nargle out of her pocket.

"I figured out it actually is a nargle," Luna told him. Hagrid just stared in awe of the legendary creature being held in the girls' hands.

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