What do you hope to get?

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"Joey!" I Heard Mikey shout and I held him back, I looked a Gerard who stared at me... He would shoot her.

"Gerard be careful... Kill her and you'll be killing two people" He raised and eye brow and looked confused.

"What do you mean two people?"

"I'm Pregnant you asshole" I heard her mutter;

"Mikey what the hell happened to using protection?" Gerard asked, I laughed as Mikey went bright red... Again.

"You don't want to know brother..."

"Can you let her go now?" I asked him

"No" He said, I knew he wouldn't shoot her now.

"Gerard why are you doing all this? What do you hope to get?" Mikey asked him trying to make him let go of Joey.

"Power! I could be rich and give you everything you ever wanted Sophie!" He smiled and I felt tears filling up my eyes.

"I Don't need money and power to be happy. Gerard just stop all this and we can go off together! I just want you and me to live a normal life" I said as a tear dripped down my face, He loosened his grip on Joey and sniffed a tear back.

"I just want to give you everything I can" He whispered.

"Let her go" I whispered back, he let her go and she ran to Mikey hugging him, I smiled and slowly walked up to him, Mikey grabbed my arm.

"What are you doing?" He asked, I took his arm off mine.

"Mikey, I love him no matter what" I said walking over to him, he smiled and so did I. I saw Shanelle run in the door and aim the gun at Gerard.

"GET OF HER!" She screamed at him, he let go and put his hands up. She wouldn't shoot him would she?

"Shanelle calm! His okay now" I said trying to calm he down but I think that I just made her angrier, tears were streaming down her face as she aimed the gun at Gerard.

"You killed my sister didn't you?" She asked sniffing.

"Yes..." Gerard whispered, I stared at him and then Shanelle. "I'm sorry" She laughed and aimed at his stomach.

"Sorry? SORRY!? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN YOU HAVE CAUSED ME!? SORRY ISN'T GOING TO STOP  IT!" She said putting her finger on the trigger. I Saw Gerard look at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Never forget I love you" He smiled and then I heard A bang. Gerard hit the floor and Tessa ran in. Shanelle dropped the gun and I ran to Gerard.

"TESSA HELP!" I screamed putting pressure on his stomach, he couldn't die now. He just couldn't! Tessa ran and started doing something with his stomach.

"Get Sarah Now!" She screamed. A Minute later Sarah came running in sitting next to me helping Gerard.

"Please don't let him die" I begged and felt arms go around my stomach, they was pulling me away from him.

"Sophie come on" I heard Frank say as I tried to kick out of his grab. He held me tighter and started running away from the room we was in.

"I Can't Leave him! I cant..." I screamed crying. This may be the last time I see him... I just can't think of not seeing his face again. I loved him and I couldn't let him go. "Let me stay" I cried out and I saw Ray quickly grab my feet so I couldn't kick.

"He'll be fine we just need to get you home" Ray said I felt so weak, Pathetic and alone. If Gerard died... I'd be no-one. They shoved me into the car and Ray drove off into the desert. I just cried onto Frank's shoulder until I felt weak enough to sleep.

Killjoys make some noise!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang