IV: Bad Boy Shika

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QOTC: Sometimes people turn their backs on you and you'll never understand why.

- Shikamaru to Yamato


Chapter 4: Bad Boy Shika

"Going somewhere?"

The corners of Kabuto's lips curved in an imminent smile.

"Kabuto. Just what are you up to??" The woman gritted her teeth against him, her voice slightly hoarse.

"Of course, I'd forgotten how peculiar you sand ninjas are," he had waved a spindly finger, then within a bat, the subjugated Suna girl's hands were bound, fused with Chakra-absorbing metal, the kind of steel he would have used in restraining down tameless beasts in his lab.

"H-how did you—"

"do it?" Kabuto smirked victoriously. "Magic, dearie. I'd discovered something far more preeminent than Chakra, and you, my very first victim, are under a sealing spell. Now tell me how fantastic that sounds."

She immediately lunged at him, but seemingly how she'd been obtained with the curse-mark—no, it was different than Kabuto had endeavored; he had created something much extravagant out of the human nature, and it's a shame Orochimaru didn't subsist to catch up with his pupil's accomplishments.

He made an unknown symbol within his fingers and said, "obey!"

The girl froze from where she stood, the curse-mark sending a burning sensation from deep within. "Yes, Temari." his voice raised an interval and the edge of his pale blanched lips lifted tremendously than he'd envisioned. "You are under my containment now, vampire."

Oh the eagerness was killing him. He could hardly wait in a few weeks by now, he'll gather them experiments and lead an army of his own.

Then he would use his magic in bringing back the Akatuski; an organization he'd been longing to manipulate.

"Up you go, doll." Kabuto smirked vigorously as he held her by the hands. "Where are you taking me?" Temari stuttered. "Let's call it your room." But the sand-nin looked flustered. "M-my room?"

"It certainly sounds better than dungeon,"

Just then the door had been creaking, and Temari swore she could inhale that succulent smell of blood... She felt the pricking pain in her jaw that meant that her fang teeth wanted to come out, and she shrank back from whoever this strange figure was.

"Who's there?" Temari asks in her best sharped-edge voice. But Sasuke never said a word. For once he stared at her, as if reading her mind; her thoughts were out loud that he could feel her meditating fear under her panting breath.

"Sasuke,"Temari's lips have drawn back to her sharp white teeth. "I should have known."

Sasuke chuckled. He was done dealing with the Hyuga Princess, So you seek blood. His piercing smile would have scared her off a bit if she had literally seen him, his eyes crimson red, hair black as a raven and gorgeous as ever. As he observed her, with his right arm leaning in his knee, while his other leg positioned freely, he could see how the curse-mark has distinguishedly affected her. Strong, beautiful, she was different from the fifteen-year-old chuunin who flirted with him once. But she was valuable; too valuable for the Sand village. If only you've been a Leaf.  

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