Dark Thief

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As soon as DeVon stabbed carlos Jay yanked her off throwing her into a window and she gets her self up. Jay pulls out a Dagger with a bizarre design and a wavy blade and stabes her and her entire body solidifies and jay pulls the blade out and her body shatters into glass and when the dust cleared the mirror peice from the vase was left with a blood stain on it.

"Jay did you just kill her?" Mal asked panicked. Jay just dropped the Dagger and backed up into Regina whom had appeared moments before.

"What the hell happened here?" Regina said.

"She tried to kill Carlos and Jay killed her!" Mal said as Jay was stareing at the spot DeVon had just been standing.

Regina had healed Carlos but he was still unconscious. Jay was still awake a few hours later replaying the events that had happened.

Ya sure ive stolen a lot of things. But ive never killed someone. It was self defense right?

"Stop beating your self up about that" a voice said from the closet

He turned and saw Farcy emerging from the darkness.

"What do you want?" He asked

"To tell you something: The blade DeVon used was cursed. Carlos will only awake by the love of the person he hates most."

"His mother."

"Thats not all. When he wakes a poison will spread through his body."

"How do I stop it?!"

"The person who killed his attacker must kill the person he hates most infront of him."

Jay had snuck out of the Inn and found his way to a large house at the edge of town.

Time to clear my mind and to do the thing I do best.

He climbed up to the second floor and into a room that had thousands of hats. He went through the room and made his way throughout the house picking up trinkets along the way.

"What are you doing!" A little girl yelled causeing Jay to spin around and a man to run out a door.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?"

"Look, my friend got attacked hes going to die because of a poison but I need to travel relms to get the thing to save him and I needed to clear my mi-"

"Stop I can help" the man said opening a closet and pulling a box out. He pulled a worn han out.

"And thats supposed to help how?"

"Its magic it opens a portal to travel relms. If your going for a person you should know that the amount of people that go in that same amount of people leave."

"Ok I need to find someone"

Lonnie opens the door to her room and sees Jay out side of it.

"What do you want Jay?"

"I need your help."


"To go back to Auradon."

"Ok when you jump into the portal you will be taken to a room with doors. Just go through the door you need." The man said whom had introduced himself as Jefferson AKA The Mad Hatter.

"Ok." Lonnie and Jay said and Jefferson threw the hat on the ground spinning it and the hat sucked them into a vortex and they reappeared in a velvet room that looked like the inside of a hat.

"Ok which door would it be?" Jay asked looking at a doorway with Emerald green curtains with the letters OZ on them.

"How about the doors with the word Auradon on it?" Lonnie suggested. Jay turned around and saw a golden gate with Auradon across the bars. They went up to it and pushed. When they went through, they appeared at the main gates of the school and the golden gate still behind them.

"Ok you go home ill get Cruella."

After Jay bribed his way across the bay whe made his way to De Vil Manner.

"Hello?" He said opening the door. He heard the sound of heels approaching and Cruella appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Jay! Are you all back? I need Carlos to fluff my furs."

"No I need your help to save Carlos." A hour later after waiting for Cruella to pick which Fur coat she wanted. They drove across the bay in Cruellas car Jay holding onto the seat so hard his fingers poked holes into the leather, and she crashed through the Magic gate and into Jeffersons living room and through the wall. Jay pointed her in the direction of the Hospital and she drove to it crashing through the front doors almost hitting Regina.

"What the hell!!" She yelled as Jay and Cruella got out.

"Move out of the way you ugly old bat! Im here to save my son." Cruella said shouldering Regina. She turned to Jay.

"Did you bring Cruella here?"

"Ya its to save Carlos."

"Ohh look at my little Carlos. I missed you so much." She said leaning down to kiss him on the forehead. When she did his eyea fluttered open.


"Dude your awake!" Jay said bursting into the room "now for the part I least look forward to." And he pulled out the dagger from earlier and stabbed Cruella in the back and Carlos screamed as he saw blood drip out of his mother's mouth and a dark red stain appear in the front of her coat.

"JAY WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!!" He screamed as tears rolled down his face. Regina came running in and saw Cruella laying across the bed with the Daggers handle sticking out of her back. She looked at Jay and saw a his face shift to and Evil expression and she had realized what happened.

"JAY GET OUT I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" Carlos sobbed and Jay walked out his eyes darkened and filled with hate.

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