Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

When I finally wake back up, it is about four AM the next morning and my stomach is sounding alarmingly like a chainsaw. I climb out of bed and immediately stick my feet into a pair of boats before grabbing my coat and gloves off of the desk chair. I chuckle slightly to myself thinking about how I expected these to be practically new when I left and now I am wearing these more often then I used to wear my coat at home.

I quickly, but as quietly as possible, tiptoe down the stairs to the extremely large room that they use as a cafeteria. A second later, I push through the swinging doors leading from the cafeteria to the kitchen and almost scream when I see a figure holding a knife. I react immediately and flip on the lights. To my surprise, it is not a murder, but instead a really pretty girl with chocolate skin and a mess of dark curls. Oh, and that knife I was so scared of. It was a butter knife. With peanut butter on it.

"Oh, my Goddess! I am so sorry!" the girl exclaims, putting the knife down and going to run away. The way she looks at me is so familiar it almost takes my breath away. It's the same look of fear and preparation for pain that I have whenever I am around my pack members.

"Hey wait a second," she freezes and reluctantly turns around. "Where did you find that peanut butter? I've been looking for it for the past week." I walk cheerfully over to her and she watches me cautiously.

"Oh, uh, it was in that cabinet behind the cans of beans," she answers. I pull down a plate and grab two slices of bread just like her and come to stand next to her by the counter.

"Really? I have seriously passed that cabinet by so many times," I sigh tragically. "Do you know how many times I could have had a peanut butter, jelly, and Nutella sandwich?''

"There's Nutella?" she asks and I can see the excited glimmer in her eyes. Knowing that I am winning her over (who wouldn't be won over by Nutella), I nod with a grin. Turning back to the many cabinets, I reach into one and pull out a big jar of deliciousness.

"Want some?" she nods excitedly and I pass her the Nutella in exchange for the peanut butter. When we both finish spreading the things on our bread, we trade back and then spread that on our bread. After I dollop some jam on the bread and press it together, I hand the jam to her before picking up a knife and cutting my bread into four triangles.

"You do that, too?"

"Yeah, why, do you?" she nods and I get the feeling I am going to like this girl. "What's your name?"

"Hazel. What about you?"

"Farrah," she freezes mid-bite and I notice her eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, I didn't know," she starts to bow, but I stop her.

"Please don't do that. A few other people who found out who I am have done that, and it is really weird," I tell her. "Pretend that I am not an alpha's daughter, please? Otherwise, how are we supposed to hang out?"

"Oh no. You wouldn't want to hang out with me," she says bluntly. There is no sadness or self-pity in her voice. "I'm a white wolf."

Now it's my turn to widen my eyes. White wolves are extremely rare, mostly because the majority of them don't survive their early childhood. The disease that causes werewolves to be born with white coats is one of the few diseases that can actually hurt a werewolf. It basically makes them very weak, in comparison to other wolves. She and I have probably about the same strength, even though she can shift and I cannot. And I can heal way faster than she can. White wolves are considered very lowly in our Community. I imagine that she gets abused as much as I do.

"And I can't shift. So, we're even," I reply finally, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"But, you are the alpha's daughter. People won't treat you the way they treat me," she retorts.

I smile ruefully. "We get treated more alike than you would think. But, let's change the subject. So, Hazel, how old are you?"


"Lucky. I have a few more days before I am eighteen," I lament before the smile returns to my face. It's been a really long time since I have had someone my age to talk to. Even at school, I was a bit of a loner. I had to be. The closer people get to you, the more they feel comfortable asking about your bruises.

"Trust, me, eighteen isn't as great as you think it is," she mutters bitterly, more to herself it seems than to me. I wonder about the story behind her tone, but it's not my place to ask, so I change the subject.

"If you don't mind my asking, what pack are you with?" I know she isn't with mine, but she could be New Moon or Blood Moon, so I'm curious.

"New Moon," Hazel replies. I nod because that makes sense. They are not the most open of packs to begin with.

I take another bite of my sandwich and chew slowly. I'm not the most socially apt person and this mostly one side conversation is getting really hard for me to carry on. Hazel seems really nice, but she might be too timid, or too stuck on my rank, to be a good pal while I am still stuck here. The silence fills the space between us before I finally finish my sandwich. I put my plate in the sink and turn back to her.

"Well," I begin awkwardly, "I'm going to head back upstairs." I'm probably not going to go back to sleep, but I figure that I will sneak into the library to grab another, more interesting, book.

"Alright," she says with a nod. I walk past her, but just when my hand makes contact with the door, she speaks again. "Um, are you going to the Meeting?"

"Yeah, I was planning to," For a little while at least. I finish in my head.

"Okay, I'll see you there then?" she asks hopefully.

"That's right," I respond before turning again to leave, but she speaks again.

" know for not being mean to me," she says a little sheepishly.

"Hey, you and I are pretty much in the same boat. If we aren't nice to each other than who else will be?" I smile at her and she returns it. "Good night, Hazel."

"Night, Farrah," she responds before taking another bite out of her sandwich and chewing it happily.

As I make my way back up to my room, I can't help but think that I might have experienced, for the first time in my life, what it feels like to make a friend.



I know. I know. I know. This chapter was short and rather boring. I'm sorry, but every book needs a few filler chapters to get from one place to the other. But, I hope you guys kind of like Hazel. Honestly, I'm not really sure how I feel about her just yet, but she's gonna turn out to be more important than you might think. Anyway, the last chapter before I become a hermit is just around the corner and this one is going to be MAJOR. So, buckle up ladies, and gentlemen, because this is where the roller coaster actually starts...

Happy Holidays!


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