Playlist Series - Airports

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"Gooooooood morning guys" Alfie stretched as he spoke to his camera

"So we are just in the airport" he began

"Well I think they can see that one" Louise butted in as his camera span round to her

"I have to sit next to you for a 9 hour flight don't push it" Alfie replied as we all chuckled

"Morning m'lovelies" Zoe started her vlog - honestly you had never seen so many vlogs taking place at once everytime one ended another began including Joe

"Morning guys" he held his arm over his eyes "We are currently in departure lounge and I honestly want to be in bed right now I am so tired its unreal" he looked to you and laughed

"Such a grumpy guts" you leaned in and tapped his stomach but Joe wrapped his arm round your shoulders to stop you from pulling back

"I'm with this lil one" he placed a kiss to your forehead "and the rest of the losers" the camera panned round to Louise, Alfie, Zoe, Caspar, Oli, Marcus, Jim and Tanya sitting in the departure lounge

"And guess what! This year Marcus has to go through what I used to go through and be girlfriend-less" he exclaimed and threw his arm up in the arm

"Don't be an arse Joe and plus you just made that word up" Marcus rolled his eyes and put his headphones on

Joe focused the camera back onto him and shrugged "this is Y/N's first year at playlist how you feeling bubs" he looked down at you and questioned

"Bit nervous to be honest but I don-" you were interrupted by Zoe

"Y/N can you come to duty free with me I need to get some foundation I left mine at home!?" She grabbed your arm and pulled you from Joe

"Oh um" you began

"Thanks!" She yanked on your arm until you moved from your position with Joe

"Well that was the end of that conversation then I guess" Joe acted offended and ran his hand through his hair

"How you doing buddy" he leant over to Caspar who was sitting the other side of him

"Tired and hungry" he groaned with a serious face

"Caspar Lee ladies and gentlemen, too much excitement going on here guys I tell ya it's like 5 year olds on Christmas morning" he turned the camera round to face everyone either asleep or on their phones being unsociable before turning the camera back to him and smiled

"I'll talk to you in a bit" he shut the camera down and looked over at you and Zoe in the shop

"Flight 727 to Orlando is now boarding at Gate 17" he announcement came over the tannoy

Everyone groaned and began to collect their bags and slowly awaken as you and Zoe walked towards the group

Joe wrapped his arm round your shoulder and pulled you close to him "Ready baby?" he smiled down at you

"Yeeeeeeeeep" you dragged and placed a kiss to his jawline

"No funny business on the plane or I swear I'm moving" Oli crept up behind you with his camera pointed at you and Joe, causing you to bury your head in Joes neck as he chuckled

"Oh shut up Oli" Joe impersonated

"You really think Y/N is gonna be awake on this flight good joke" He added

"Heeeey!" You looked up at Joe with furrowed eyebrows

"Love you" he placed a kiss to your forehead before pulling you closer to him

"They are annoying adorable aren't they" you heard Olis voice from behind you and laughed "they're ignoring me but I know they can hear me" he raised his voice and Joe looked over his shoulder at him

"You're so bloody loud" he moaned

"Now now Joseph" you placed your hand on his chest feeling it vibrate as he laughed

"Shut up cutie" he bent down to kiss your nose as you both headed for the gate ready to finally board the plane.

*A/N part 2! Hope it's okay!!*

Joe Sugg Imagines and PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora