I needed him. I needed his presence. I needed his touch. I needed him to explain everything. I just needed him to make this whole thing okay again.

I needed him to make us okay again.

But by Sunday night, I knew that just wasn't going to happen, and I knew that I should just try to get over it.

And when Monday morning rolled around, I felt terrible and drained, not only mentally but physically. So, I called in sick to work, dropped Ella off at camp, and started my day of cocooning myself into the comfort of my bed and eating every sweet I could find in my cabinet.

Wallowing in self-pity was worse than I expected...

And catching a small cold was even worse than that.

I sniffled and checked my phone for the millionth time. Of Course, there were texts and calls, some from Kim and a few from Imani along with a few facebook notifications, but there were no more calls from the one person I wanted to talk to. The one I wanted to be with.

I should have just let him explain, I should have just called him, I should have--

I sighed sadly and shook my head, it's too late for that Sage. You've made your bed now lay in it like a big girl.

I sneezed again and wiped at my running eyes. It was probably just karma, what were the chances that I of all people would catch a cold the week of my daughters birthday, and lose a man too?

This is so freaking great...

I tried to get comfortable enough to watch tv, but at one point I sat crying over some Christmas in June lifetime movie, the lead guy reminded me so much of Ansel my eyes began to water and the next thing I was bawling my eyes out.


And halfway through my cry fest my phone buzzed, and an icon popped up for me to facetime Jay.

Perfect....just what I need.

I reluctantly answered the call, but as soon as I did, I regretted it. I looked like a raccoon with dark eyes, and an even darker state of mind.

A second later his concerned face filled my screen, "Where the hell are you? Why aren't you here in the office?"

Nice to see you're so concerned...when I obviously look like a wild bear at the moment.

I covered my messy bed head with a satin pillow and groaned as my stomach turned, "I'm ill."

"Really?" He pouted sadly, "I'm so sorry to hear about that babygirl, I hope you feel better." he looked off screen for a second before looking back at me and whispering lowly, "Need me to ditch this hellhole and come take care of you?"

There's the Jay I know...

I managed a meager smile and sighed, "No it's fine, it's probably just a twenty-four hour flu or something."

Fingers crossed because I can't be sick going into this weekend. There's too much riding on it. I can't risk it, not with her party and everything she was looking forward to.

He still looked concerned, but he perked up some, "Let me guess, Sully is gonna come keep you warm and take care of you?"

My eyes watered at the mention of his name and I frowned, "No, we're not--i'm not involved with him anymore."

Involved, Sage? It was much more than that, and you know it.

Jay shifted and his eyebrows scrunched, "What do you mean 'not involved'? That's your boo, girl!"

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