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Pete and I met not long after Infinity on High was released. I was also a famous singer at the time, but I was a pop singer. A radio station was doing crossover interviews and I got to do an interview with Fall Out Boy where Pete and I hit it off immediately. We got married a few years later and had our first son, Bronx, together. A few months later, Fall Out Boy broke up. I was beyond worried for Pete's sanity, but he seemed fine... For a while... Recently, he's gone off the edge. He's been doing drugs, drinking and he's paranoid constantly. He even had the house searches for bugs, causing Bronx to get scared half to death. Every time I try to reason with him, he just shuts me out. I try so hard to stay strong for him, but I don't know how much more I can take. He doesn't shave or shower making him look and smell like a hobo and all he ever does is sit around eating ordered pizza and drinking beer. I love him so much, but I don't know how much more I can take. It's 1:00 AM right now, and he's still not back. Which probably means he's stoned and drunk off his ass. I'm sitting on our bed looking through an old photo album that Pete gave me on our first Christmas with Bronx. It was filled with happy memories from the band days, to Bronx's birth, and much more. I smile at the pictures when suddenly a very drunk Pete stumbles into the bedroom. He can barely walk so I stand to help him when he holds a hand up to stop me. It's then that I notice he looks pissed off. "Don't. Don't come near me, you mother fucking bitch." He spits at me. "What?" I ask, tears beginning to fill my eyes. "I know. I know you're cheating on me." He says, shaking an anger finger at me. "Pete, what the fuck are you talking about!?" I ask him. He laughs bitterly. "With my best friend, too!? Patrick?! Of all people!?" He slurs. "Pete, your drunk. I'm not cheating on you with Patrick! I don't even know where you got that from." I say back to him. "I've seen the pictures! Don't fucking lie to me!" He says as he kicks the night stand causing it and everything on it to brake. My hands instantly fly to cover my mouth. "Pete! Calm down!" I say to him. "DON'T TO ME TO CALM DOWN, YOU WHORE!" He says and shoves me to the ground. The back of my head hits the table at the foot of our bed causing me to cry out. Tears begin to pour out of my eyes. "Oh my god, Y/N, I-I-"
"Mommy? What's going on?" A tiny voice says from the door. Pete and I look at Bronx, peaking through the crack of the door. "Bronx, go back to bed. I'll be in there in a second." Pete says calmly to him and he nods. Pete seems to have sobered up a bit in the last few seconds. He bends down to help me up but I push him away causing a hurt look to cross over his face. "Y/N, I'm so sorry." He says as he begins to sob violently. I stand up and pull him into a hug. "Pete, it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay." I say to him. "No, it's not! My whole life was stripped away from me! Playing bass is all I've ever known and loved! And now it's gone! Everything I know is gone! I don't know what to do with myself! And now I'm hurting the one thing that's kept me sane, my family. I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to hurt you. I got on Twitter and I was so drunk and saw a picture Patrick posted from where you went to his concert last night and I just wasn't thinking and I've been so awful recently that it seems logical for you to leave me. And it doesn't make since to me that you haven't. I've treated you like shit, and you stay. I don't deserve you. I've known since I met you that I don't deserve you. And Patrick, he's such a great guy, that it would make since that you would cheat on me with a guy like him. I-I'm so sorry." Pete says as he breaks down. I pull him into a hug and kiss the top of his head repeatedly. "I love you, Peter. I'm never going to leave you. I love you too damn much. I knew the real you and this isn't it. That's why I've stayed. I know that you'll be yourself again one day. Pete, you have a whole record label! Think about Brendon! Help out Panic!, help Brendon write. You know he's always admired your writing skills! He's due for a new album. I was talking to him yesterday and he has such bad writers block right now. He needs your help. Focus on that! Maybe in a few months, you'll find a new band to join, or maybe Fall Out Boy can have a reunion tour for Take This To Your Grave. And you can have some closure with that." I say to him and he sniffles and nods. "You're right. God, you're always right. I love you so much." Pete says as he smiles at me. And I knew that I got my Pete back. "Now, go see your son. He misses you." I say to him. Pete kisses my cheek before heading into Bronx's room to say goodnight.


This was shit. I'm sorry. I just kinda wrote it... I hadn't written anything in a while so I felt like I needed to so here ya goooo:-)

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