Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

          I headed over to Tyler’s house. I had only ever been there twice. But I was always with Callista. Now I was here alone. I was here to talk to Tyler and make him realize that Callista never meant any harm and that she was only cursed somehow and that she really was sorry and is still in love with him. I walked to the door and knocked on it. After a two minutes I rang the doorbell. Again there was no answer. I groaned. I use my powers to blow the door open. It was harder than I had thought and slammed against the wall. I looked around the house and called out to Tyler.

“Tyler? Tyler!” No answer. I walked down the hallway.

“Jesse?” I turned to Tyler who was at the top of the stairs.

“Tyler there you are.”

“You broke down my door?” I sighed.

“No I just opened it. I had to talk to you. It is a emergency.” I stated. He sighed but nodded. He walked downstairs to me and then turned to sit on the couch. I did the same; I sat across from him.

“What is it that you want to talk about?”

“Callista.” He was quiet for a minute. “She’s heartbroken because you won’t talk to her. She can’t stand that it’s because you know what she is. It wasn’t her fault. It was the full moon and she couldn’t control what makes her transform. She is sorry.” Tyler sighed.

“Look I care about her too. But I just don’t want to be around her right now. I mean it’s still a lot to process of what happened. I mean she turned into a wolf and nearly tried to kill me. I mean this is a lot to take in.” He said. I nodded.

“I understand. I went through the same thing.” I said. He stared at me.

“You did?” I nodded.

“Tyler you know Christian?” I said.

“Yeah aren’t you two dating now?” I nodded.

“Yeah but that’s not the point. Look Christian is also supernatural. He’s a warlock.” His eyes widened at hearing this.

“I would say that you are crazy but my girlfriend is a werewolf.” I nodded.

“I went through the same thing that you are going through. I just was afraid that maybe by knowing this I thought that I was in danger. But also by knowing I found something out about myself. Christian is still the same person and so is Callista. Just because they are a warlock and a werewolf doesn’t mean that they are evil. It’s there actions that define who they are. Has Callista ever hurt you on purpose?” I asked. He shook his head. “Then how can something that she is, change the way that you feel about her. She is still the same. Just as Christian is a warlock. He was born like that he can’t help it.” He sighed.

“Your right, I need to talk to her.” He said. I nodded. “What did you find out about yourself?” The question took me off guard. I swallowed hard.

“I found out that I come from a powerful bloodline of…witches.” I said. He gaped at me. “But I won’t hurt you. And even if I wanted to I couldn’t I am not very good with my powers. I mean you no harm and neither does Christian or Rose or Callista for that matter.” He sighed and nodded.

“Alright I will talk to her I promise.” He said. I gave him a smile. After that we both went to Callista’s house. When I rang the doorbell Dmitri was the one that answered the door.

“What do you want?” He asked glaring at Tyler.

“Dmitri he’s here to talk to Callista.”

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