Heart Wrenching Feelings

Start from the beginning

Welcome back, SHINE! We missed you!

It says as I clicked on my page. I guess I missed this, too.

I see the notification icon...'99+' was hovering above it. That's a lot, probably. It was the same situation for my inbox, too. I opened it and hundreds of personal messages occupied the screen.

I feel so happy, yet sad at the same time.

I see 'thank you' messages, requests and messages from the other people I have collaborated with. This...flooded my mind with so many memories...I became a bit sentimental.

I clicked one message...from a friend across the internet. We did two songs...and we became friends ever since.

'From: Akairen

hey loook at thissss

[picture of Akairen with a small mochi keychain with a kawaii face on it]

this looks like u doesnt it


Pm back i miss u, shii'

I laughed to myself.

I clicked another message from another friend.

'From: distancexxmachina

Heyy! How r uu?

Miss your songs @3@

Let's collaborate again soon! I miss your 'black' hair. XD

Hope to see you again bby'

He was funny. But he was kind... I searched...but never got back to any of my friends.

I finally see the recent messages.

'From: Akairen

day 332

Still no response, shii????

Are u ok????? U didnt deactivate so can we meet again????

shii reply to me :((((("

'From: distancexxmachina

Hey shine kaire's really worried about you y'know! >~<

She's been asking me day an night if you've spoken to the others yet and i keep telling her i don't know either.

are you okay? 0~Q'

All of the most recent messages were of this caliber. It was heart-wrenching to see them like this. I never knew...

Then I see the message STARISH had sent me.



Can she really come back?



She's dead.

Masato's PoV

Ah, yes. That was it... Wasn't it?

I was in my room inside our condo pondering about something. I was in front of a kotatsu-like table, thinking of what to write.

I held a seemingly-larger-than-normal brush in my hands and tucked some of my stray hair behind my ear.

This is getting me nowhere. If only...I could express myself today as well as I do in my songs.

I was suddenly interrupted by Syo running into my room carelessly.

"Why're you---"

"Gyah!" Syo suddenly backed against the wall and clutches his chest, sweating bullets. "YOU---YOU'RE HERE?!"

"Of course I am. This is my room." I put down my brush and came to meet him by the wall beside my door. "Are you in need of any assistance or ink?"

"H-huh?" He slowly relaxed. "Why would I need ink?"

"To feel better about yourself."

"See, this is where our brains don't align..." He scratches his head. "I was just checking to see if your room was okay or something."

"Why would you need to do that?"

"Otoya's side of the room looked completely messy, and I thought...." He scratched his head. "Never mind. why on earth would YOUR bedroom be messy...?"

I suddenly hear footsteps outside my room.

"Excuse me, is there a problem...?" Tokiya peeked in the door. "Oh, didn't you have work or something along those lines?"


"Yeah." Tokiya looked awkwardly to one side. "To be honest, if it was you watching over me, I would have a more relieved feeling..."

"AM I JUST TRASH TO U?!" Syo flailed his arms, pouting.

"Well, since you're here, I need your help." I showed them my paper and brush.

"But..." Syo stopped sulking and examined the paper. "There's nothing written on it."

"Captain obvious here." Tokiya glares at him a little. "What do you need help with, then?"


"I don't know what to write." I stated with embarrassment.

"How do we help ya then?" Syo places his hands on his hips.

"What should I do to achieve inspiration?"

"Maybe you should read books..." Syo scratched his chin.

"I already did that..." I pointed to my shelves. "See this messy state?"

"BUT IT LOOKS LIKE ITS BARELY BEEN TOUCHED!" He looked at my shelves with disdain.

"How about you meet new people?" Tokiya suggested.

"Well, who should I meet, then?" My eyebrows scrunched up a little. "I don't---"

"We met this one girl a few days back..." Syo crossed his arms. "She's aight."


"I could call her and ask her to hangout with us."

"Umm, is it safe?" I asked with nervousness in my voice.

He nodded. "Absolutely!"

I look over to Tokiya...
He had his arms crossed and meanly looks over to his left

He doesn't look too happy about this.

(Hiiii i dont think this is much of an interesting chapter //SLAPPED but I guess you have to have a transition somewhere, huh?

sorry for the long hiatus. every time I upload a new chapter, there's usually a long hiatus after it. And there's probably another one coming up. A hiatus, I mean. :---)

thank u for being patient with my lazy self

Hope this didn't lead you on. XD

Aaah, I'm lazy. ^0^)

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